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Which Akebono Ceramic Front Brake Pads For 2005 Gs300?

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Hi all,

I'm in a bit of a bind with regards to which exact model of Akebono FRONT brake pads will fit my 2005 GS300. Here's why.

The Australian Akebono website says it's ACT908:


However, this model did not fit Sockeye's 2005 GS300:


I ordered the ACT1113 which fit on Sockeye's front calipers:


However, for my 2005 GS300, the ACT1113s definitely do not fit the FRONT calipers but do fit the back. Here's what they look like next to the current FRONT brake pads when we went to replace them yesterday:


It's a bit fuzzy but you can see that the size of the ACT1113 pads when put next to the current ones is far too small to fit. Not a loss for me as I will simply keep the ACT1113 pads for when my back brake pads need replacing but I still need front brake pads.

Has anyone got the same car and/or do they know which model of Akebono ceramic brakes fit?

I have also looked into Bendix General CT but I've been told Akebono are excellent pads.

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I hate to say, but it appears I am the one responsible for all this.

Reading about your adventure I went back to audit every step and what I found was that after the initial incorrect ACT908 I ordered not ACT1113, but rather ACT1118 that fit right.

I am sorry for the confusion. I am not quite sure at what point the numbers got mixed.


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I hate to say, but it appears I am the one responsible for all this.

Reading about your adventure I went back to audit every step and what I found was that after the initial incorrect ACT908 I ordered not ACT1113, but rather ACT1118 that fit right.

I am sorry for the confusion. I am not quite sure at what point the numbers got mixed.

Aaaah, OK, those ones (ACT1118) do look more like what we saw when we checked out the front calipers.

Again, no harm done since I still have use for the ACT1113s as back brake pads later on (still a fair bit of life left in the current back ones).

The little 'eyelet' (?) at the top of each pad in your image of the ACT1118s is exactly what we saw on the existing front brake pads which is another thing that confirmed the ACT908s wouldn't fit (contrary to the AU Akebono webpage).

Thanks for replying and letting me know the model number that you ended up using. The closest I got to a match was on US-based sites which said the ACT619 was the one but that didn't look right either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In case it's of interest to anyone I got the ACT1118 brake pads and I can confirm that they fit the FRONT callipers of my 2005 GS300.

Don't go by what the AU Akebono website says.

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