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Hi Guys,

I'm thinking of doing a complete overhaul of my sound system and get something really nice in. Trying to find info on how the ML system is setup, but couldn't find what i needed on other forums. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

From my understanding the head unit sends the signal digitally via SPDIF to the factory ML amp, which then does all the sound processing ie, highs to tweeters, lows to sub, midbass to mids etc. I'm assuming this is also where the bass gets rolled off at high volume to protect the factory sub. everyone has tapped in after the amp with LOCs and other OEM sound processers such as JL Cleansweep, 3Sixty etc.

My question is does the head unit alter the sound or is it done by the factory ML amp?


hey cevu,

I would assume its the amp that does, because from memory my mates ve commodore is running a crossover from the standard head unit to a new amp and the quality is still 100% without an aftermarket head unit. Is that what you are asking, im not sure?

Personally i think you should just introduce an extra amp and a pair of decent 10" subs to the rest of the system because the ML already sounds very good, it just lacks that bit of bass. Oh and disconnect the factory one! :)

hey cevu,

I would assume its the amp that does, because from memory my mates ve commodore is running a crossover from the standard head unit to a new amp and the quality is still 100% without an aftermarket head unit. Is that what you are asking, im not sure?

Personally i think you should just introduce an extra amp and a pair of decent 10" subs to the rest of the system because the ML already sounds very good, it just lacks that bit of bass. Oh and disconnect the factory one! :)

That'll just make your mirror vibrate even more :P

mirror vibrations = sick bass bro, very hektik :D

haha...... thats funny!

thats not what i was after! would ruin such a nice car!

i've already got a 12" sub and aftermarket amp with factory cabin speakers but once over about 44 the bass starts dropping off the vocals become too harsh.

if anyones wondering i drive with the windows down and sunroof open alot hence the high volume.


Hey Cevu,

Im not 100% sure that I quite know what your question is.......... Im assuming that you are wanting to remove the ML unit completely and replace it with another head unit!! Perhaps a double din in place of the LCD.

IMO, I wouldn't do it!! I think that you would de-value the car if you went with that option. But that is your decision to make, not mine...........so........ I was looking through the wirenets for the ML trying to figure out what type of mess you would be dealing with!! You have to remember, info from the ECU, crank pos sensor etc,etc all indirectly go to the unit. Yeh sure it is mostly for the onboard diag, but this does make the elim process that much more difficult. Come service also, its info that they will not have access to! U may not know, but even the non ML's have NVM access through the HU..

Look, to make it even less inviting, you will have a whole heap of buttons on the steering wheel that will do nothing aswell!

Mate, I reckon if you are that keen on introducing a new headunit or something that is just different, fashion up a new console that makes a prevision for a piggy back unit. Wire it in and keep the LCD functional for everything other then the audio side!! OR just do what Niick suggested and wack all new drivers in with a beefier amp!!! Personally I love the ML sound quality, don't think an aftermarket setup will do much better. Remember, the sound is only as good as the speaker drivers so hope U planning to spend some cash if thats what you after brother!!! Anyway, hope I helped in some weired a@$ way!! ;)


Oh yeh, if you want a copy of the Wirenets, PM me!! Im looking through a hard copy at the moment cause my server crashed and guess where all my Lexus stuff was saved, Hmmm, but I will scan it in and send you a copy if you want!!!

Hey Cevu,

Im not 100% sure that I quite know what your question is.......... Im assuming that you are wanting to remove the ML unit completely and replace it with another head unit!! Perhaps a double din in place of the LCD.

IMO, I wouldn't do it!! I think that you would de-value the car if you went with that option. But that is your decision to make, not mine...........so........ I was looking through the wirenets for the ML trying to figure out what type of mess you would be dealing with!! You have to remember, info from the ECU, crank pos sensor etc,etc all indirectly go to the unit. Yeh sure it is mostly for the onboard diag, but this does make the elim process that much more difficult. Come service also, its info that they will not have access to! U may not know, but even the non ML's have NVM access through the HU..

Look, to make it even less inviting, you will have a whole heap of buttons on the steering wheel that will do nothing aswell!

Mate, I reckon if you are that keen on introducing a new headunit or something that is just different, fashion up a new console that makes a prevision for a piggy back unit. Wire it in and keep the LCD functional for everything other then the audio side!! OR just do what Niick suggested and wack all new drivers in with a beefier amp!!! Personally I love the ML sound quality, don't think an aftermarket setup will do much better. Remember, the sound is only as good as the speaker drivers so hope U planning to spend some cash if thats what you after brother!!! Anyway, hope I helped in some weired a@$ way!! ;)


Oh yeh, if you want a copy of the Wirenets, PM me!! Im looking through a hard copy at the moment cause my server crashed and guess where all my Lexus stuff was saved, Hmmm, but I will scan it in and send you a copy if you want!!!

thanks projectis.

should have made my original post clearer.

The original question should have been does the Head Unit of the Amplifier do the sound processing (rolling off bass etc!).

The reason that i asked was that my 12" Boston G5 is imo not playing to its full capacity. So to see if it was just me or not i took the aftermarket amp and sub out of my car and set it up in my brothers car. He has a Pioneer head unit. The difference is night and day. Running off the Pioneer deck with the exact same settings i had it sounded so much deeper and cleaner. Bass was so much more defined and you could tell it was a quality sub. Running off the ML deck through LOC it sounds good but you can tell it's not doing all its capable of! So i was looking to tap into a signal that has not been adjusted and if the signal is being EQ'd by the amp then i will find a way to tap in before it. I know from the head unit to amp its a digital link (SPDIF) but i have a few ideas.

Definitely not looking to remove head unit. More trouble than its worth! :-)


Well, like you said, it is a digital amp even though the wirenet says that is a stereo amp. (Go figure)!!

How or rather where did u tap in?? Being a digital input, yes the amp does all the processing for the 5.1. You have definately got the right frequency and portions going to the existing sub and I don' think no matter what you use to convert the high to a low, U will ever get the clarity that you after!!


Have you priced a replacement digital amp at all??

Being the single input, all you will need is the wirenet that I have to rewire your existing drivers and obviously add ya sub of choice!!

Sorry, had to add the pic cause I love Alpine (from the old skool see) and I thought it just looks damn nice!! Didn't look at the specs at all!!! ;)

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