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Au Lexus Owners Sticker / Logo! 2

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and possibly change it to au.lexusowners club

sorry for all the asking lol

iif i could do it i would have done it my self but i dont know how lol

its all good. need yous to tell me so i know and can do it. ill keep playing today.

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well guys,

as you can see the possibilities are endless and that is our problem. there is too much choice. like cevu said this can go on forever.

we need to make a decision.

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hmmm. why did you choose those ones. When i was designing last few days there was alot of input into what people want the last few and hardly any of those are in.

any way, im out. admin should be setting the poll not one of the designers.

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hmmm. why did you choose those ones. When i was designing last few days there was alot of input into what people want the last few and hardly any of those are in.

any way, im out. admin should be setting the poll not one of the designers.

I randomly selected the logos, since there is only 10 positions available. The last few that you have designed are in the poll, together with a few of mine so not sure what you're referring to.

With respect to the polls - there are no rules actually that Admin/Mod only can do the polls, as far as I'm aware of. If the rules exists on this forum, I'd be happy to have them quoted from a particular link and to these rules of course I will adjust my actions.

Since I've done a few pro designs - I do not wish to go into details about the quality of some of works, I will leave the decision on the logo for others. At the end of the day - we can either agree or not agree to a certain design on our car (read: have the sticker or not).

Since one "designer" is out, I'm still alive and kicking (until I get a warn for something that I'm not aware of lol).

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hmmm. why did you choose those ones. When i was designing last few days there was alot of input into what people want the last few and hardly any of those are in.

any way, im out. admin should be setting the poll not one of the designers.

I randomly selected the logos, since there is only 10 positions available. The last few that you have designed are in the poll, together with a few of mine so not sure what you're referring to.

With respect to the polls - there are no rules actually that Admin/Mod only can do the polls, as far as I'm aware of. If the rules exists on this forum, I'd be happy to have them quoted from a particular link and to these rules of course I will adjust my actions.

Since I've done a few pro designs - I do not wish to go into details about the quality of some of works, I will leave the decision on the logo for others. At the end of the day - we can either agree or not agree to a certain design on our car (read: have the sticker or not).

Since one "designer" is out, I'm still alive and kicking (until I get a warn for something that I'm not aware of lol).

fair enough. how come i didnt get to choose the ones of my own in which I think are MY best works. instead of the *BLEEP*ter ones you put up of mine. Its not a competition in which you are turning it into bartek its a decision to be made by all. i also did not state if there were any rules or not. I was simply stating an UN BIAS! person should be choosing the ones for the vote (admin/mod). i realise that any one can start a poll and there are no rules!!!!

Dennis. your opinions please.

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Just chiming in briefly while I have a few minutes spare... I think most people on here will agree that we shouldn't rush the decision on the design. We have quality cars, and a certain image to upkeep with owning them. I'd prefer we all come to an agreement on a few different sticker styles, run some tests and see what people like rather than rush through a potentially bad design that people won't like long-term.

Typically I don't charge for design/prep for car clubs, so if you give me a little time I will help you guys out. Once the designs are chosen, it doesn't cost any more to get them produced as I do all of my production in-house, so I'll keep the costs low enough to just cover materials and production.

I've been overwhelmed the past 2 months building a new studio, but in the next 2 weeks things should be back to normal and I can concentrate on getting these ideas off the ground.

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Just chiming in briefly while I have a few minutes spare... I think most people on here will agree that we shouldn't rush the decision on the design. We have quality cars, and a certain image to upkeep with owning them. I'd prefer we all come to an agreement on a few different sticker styles, run some tests and see what people like rather than rush through a potentially bad design that people won't like long-term.

Typically I don't charge for design/prep for car clubs, so if you give me a little time I will help you guys out. Once the designs are chosen, it doesn't cost any more to get them produced as I do all of my production in-house, so I'll keep the costs low enough to just cover materials and production.

I've been overwhelmed the past 2 months building a new studio, but in the next 2 weeks things should be back to normal and I can concentrate on getting these ideas off the ground.

would love to see your designs / ideas.

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Hey Bartek, Chris!!

Fellas, I know that im not alone here when I say "I love the enthusiasm"!!

Im going to keep this short and sweet because I not long got back from the gym and I am stuffed...........& bloody huge!!! Ha!

Fellas, the activity of late has been great! Like I said, I was away for an hour or two, and when I got back, bulk posts and PM's to read!!! love it!wink.gif

Really, I do agree with the point of slowing down on the finalising process! Guys, I don't mind leading this, but I would prefer it to come from you guys, the members! After all, we ALL need to like the design if it is infact going to go on our cars!

Bartek, I have hidden the original poll for now. I agree with Chris in that he should be given the opportunity to put forward his best designs, as well as your self! If Atlantis is going to put some ideas forward, he should be able to choose his aswell.(Your best work fellas.... 3 designs each). Who knows, I might represent with the last design or another member might come out of the woodwork.

Guys, there are no rules when it comes to posting poles.............just remember what you are trying to acheive before you start one! I think the above solution for an accurate poll is the best. Shall we set a date for the design submission deadline??

Although I really like some of the work by you two, I am really keen to see what Atlantis can come up with...............Especially because he knows how to design to get the most out of his equipment!!

Atlantis, does this sound fair?? Bartek and Chris, fair you think?? Perhaps a 2week deadline??

PM me your thoughts!!!

I hope I haven't offended anyone because like I said, the activity of late has been fantastic!! The Aus LOC is really feeling like a club and all you guys are to thank!!!

Signing out!! Deniswink.gif !

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Its not a competition in which you are turning it into bartek [cut]

LOL, this was a sample of a bad taste in judgment, I didn't like it and I wasn't trying to make a competition. If you feel this way - my apologies. I was only trying to push things forward instead of creating 5 threads about the same subject.

(sarcasm mode on) BTW: it is Bartek, it is a name, a real one, not a nick-name. (sarcasm mode off)

Bartek, I have hidden the original pole for now. I agree with Chris in that he should be given the opportunity to put forward his best designs, as well as your self! If Atlantis is going to put some ideas forward, he should be able to choose his aswell.(Your best work fellas.... 3 designs each). Who knows, I might represent with the last design or another member might come out of the woodwork.

Your position sounds fair. I'm glad I've sparked this whole discussion so that others can finally pull the fingers out and start making quality logos because MS Paint created things just don't cut it anymore these days so I hope to see more quality logos too here.

Lets agree on one thing - the deadline. Any suggestions from Chris and Atlantis please? I'm flexible on this so it doesn't bother me.

At the end of the day - like I wrote before - if I or other minority don't like the selected sticker - it won't land on the car(s). Not a great deal and we can't satisfy everyone so... do we need to put extra "!" and stress over it? I don't think so so relax people. I was only trying to help. If however my assistance is not required - please let me know, I'll be happy to sit back and observe others' creations and suggestions with a good ol' Blue Johny in my glass ;) (I'm having a big laugh because I turned PRO in bowling on Wii Sports and got my ball with stars now... no need to be stressed as you can see ROFL).

Have a good night.

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