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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Over the last few weeks we have been experiencing a few issues with the server. One of them was quite a big problem with server partitions which I solved. Today we had quite a bit of downtime, and with that we had a few locked tables in the database due to this interuptions corrupting transactions with th database. I have taken steps to get these downtimes to a minimum today. I have also commisioned technicians to see why we are having total failiure of the server and if it continues then I shall be moving the club to a new server asap. My apologies for this and please be rest assured I will try my best to get things running smoothly again as soon as possible.
  2. Over the last week or so the site has had it’s ups and downs with downtime. This was due to us filling up one of our partitions on the server which holds the databases. This morning I have moved the the databases to a much larger partition and should no longer cause any issues. Apologies for this and hopefully it is now all sorted and you guys can get on enjoying the club. cheers Steve
  3. So for a bit of fun it would be great to see what we can buy out there for very little money. There are a lot of cars out there that are going for peanuts and there are some real cool performers too. So here is the challenge, what could you buy from http://www.carpoint.com.au (or any other classifieds) for 3000 AU Dollars or less? The winner will be based on performance and price. It can be any brand too! Post your answers and even a link if you can. Remember it has to be under 3k.
  4. Will petrol ever become redundant? Will they ever actually find a way to replace it? We can ship a man to the moon but cannot find proper alternative fuels! what do you think?
  5. Dont you hate it when you have to listen to someone elses taste in music at stop lights? All windows down blasting away… Surely it would sound better with the windows up right?
  6. Let us know your thoughts on this crazy middle eastern death drift video! They are complete lunatics LOL needs to be sponsred by a tyre company LOL
  7. This is to notify everyone that the club server will have a downtime of approx 3 hours whilst we perform a hardware upgrade. We have an allocated window of 3 hours between the following times 15.00 – 18.00 GMT 09:00 – 12:00 CDT (GMT -0500) 24.00 Midight Tuesday Sydney Australia on the 20th September 2011
  8. Check this video out, amazing! Of course if this doesn’t float ya boat then it wont LOL.
  9. Turbos Vs Superchargers, in your opinion which is better? and why?
  10. I checked out these on eBay and they have quite a few here I have a few diecast cars and one of these would be a great addition!
  11. Would you let your partner choose your next car for you? Does your partner have an influence on your next buy? Apparently according to figures, 60 percent of partners have an influence on next car purchases in the family
  12. Just imagine this, you have just won the lottery, 10 million. What car are you going to buy? What car for your wife? And the rest of the family? I would be buying a big enough garage to fit all my dream cars in LOL, then maybe buy the wife a dress LOL
  13. What is the most common problem with your car? Are there certain common problems with your car model that you have experienced?
  14. Has anyone ever driven a very dangerous road? Mountain range, rickety bridge etc? What is the most scariest place you have driven?
  15. If you could have a secret gadget in the car what would it be?, (eg.) the ejector seat in the James Bond Aston Martin or a machine out of the front grill. Just for fun name what you would have
  16. Whats the fuel economy on your car around town? How does it compare with the manufacturers MPG figures and have you managed to get better economy than the manufacturers stated figures? Dont forget to state which model you have
  17. Hybrid cars vs Electric cars? How do they compare? Which one would you rather have?
  18. What music do you listen to in your car? Let’s see what peoples tastes are like on the club I like a bit of Rihanna, tinchy stryder to down to a bit of classicial to suit my mood. Whats Yours?
  19. Only a fraction of ‘road taxes’ like road fund duty and fuel duty actually get spent on the roads. Most is added to the general taxation pot. Should this be stopped? If not what would you like to see it spent on?
  20. What is your most hated stretch of road you have driven? And in what state?
  21. Don’t you hate it when your friend gets into the car and leave all their rubbish everywhere? (RANT) I am gonna post his rubbish back in an sack LOL
  22. Just got a PS3, What is the best car driving games for the PS3? Anyone have any recommendations what to buy? Is Gran Turismo 5 worth getting? Also can i play online? Complete noob to gaming
  23. Name all the cars that you have ever owned? Also note the ones you have loved?
  24. i have heard that Lexus are considering it for the next release of the IS in 2013
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