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  • Lexus Model*
    JZX110 - Sold.... WTB ISF
  • Location*
    New South Wales

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  1. IIRC yen was almost on parity 3 months ago. 105-100?? It's between 79-87 atm. But surely this shouldn't be the reason. Contact the ACCC as above.
  2. Hey guys, Always have been and will be a 4 door Toyota fanatic. Recently sold my JZX110 which I had for about 3 years after importing it myself. Twas a fun car but too much of a blank canvas. Unfortunately it did not fly under the radar and was posing problems when driving it to and fro work. Some pics in Japan. (2003, MT5, leather, 30500 legit km) Just before selling it. So anyway, currently in the market for a MY10 ISF to play around with for the next year or so until I drop back into a Toyota. Can't ask for anything better in terms of reliability and factory performance.
  3. A multitude of different reasons: BBK clearance Aesthetics To suit more rubber To differentiate between year model/try get you to purchase a higher spec car That said it's easy to figure out what aftermarket wheels/rubber you can fit under the guards. Depends if you want looks/handling or a combination of both.
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