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Hello LOC AU

Joined up sometime ago but don't think I did an introduction.

I'm Carl from NZ. I drive a '99 Altezza RS200 Z Edition 6MT. Quiet a fan of Lexus & Toyota. Owned my fair share of 4AGE powered Corollas & Levins over the years, everything from AE86 to AE111. The only non Toyota I've owned was a S14 Silvia Q. :huh:

I've recently just started working at a Toyota dealership which is also a Lexus service centre. I approached the mods/admin about offering my service to fellow club members & they've kindly given me a traders slot http://au.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10584 So if you need any bits priced for your Lexus then drop me an email & I'll do my best to hook you up with some sharp prices

Here's a pic of my motor


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