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Just thought I'd introduce myself. First time Lexus owner after owning lemon German cars for the past 15 years. Last week I picked up a new rx350 f sport from Lexus Sutherland who gave me a decent deal on my trade and then a discount on top. I dealt with Raymond the general manager on recommendation from close friends and then was looked after by Luke Carpenter really nice guy. 

So far the rx has been great. So many creature comforts I can't believe in new cars these days. Made my b8 a4 look archaic. Roomy plush comfortable. Great visibility, excellent loading kids in and out 


Some cons so far have been the following 


1. Compared to my previous German cars door closing still feels a little light. Typical of Japanese cars I think 

2. Fuel consumption on the rx350 pretty heavy in city driving. Maybe I should have stumped for the 450H  



Today dropped off the rx for some exterior opticoat treatments at a local detailer. Hopefully the next few years gives me motoring free headaches  


Looking forward to to contributing and learning from the forum. 





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