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(Guesstimate) AUSDM ISF Production numbers by YEAR

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I have been trying to figure out exactly how many AUSDM ISFs were made per year model and always reached the same dead end of "1086 total", which for those who want to get an idea of just how UNCOMMON your year model is, it doesn't really help at all.

So, I did some math based off the ratio of how many of each USDM ISFs were sold each year and determined these results:

1086 TOTAL (Total doesn't equal exactly 1086 because I was lazy with rounding)

2008__580   ( 53.4%~)

2009__92  ( 8.51%~)

2010__106  ( 9.80%~)

2011__139  ( 12.77%~)

2012__120  ( 11.09%~)

2013__29  ( 2.71%~)

2014__18  ( 1.6%~)

(If anyone has actual solid numbers for ANY of these years, please let me know)

(Credit to Joe Z for USDM numbers)

USA __#__ Units Sold

2008 _____ 2,733
2009 _____ 436
2010 _____ 502
2011 _____ 654
2012 _____ 568
2013 _____ 139
2014 _____ 86

Total = 5,118
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