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    es 300
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  1. When I bought mine, I was on my P plates. I got a lot of comments about it! The perception in Vic is that lexus cars are "old man" cars, which is a shame people think this, As they are great cars for younger people as they are very reliable for traveling to and from work and long trips interstate. I was hoping to change my friends views on the brand but all I succeeded in doing was convincing my dad they are awesome... he's old! So didnt really work! haha!
  2. I would go every 5 or 6000 kms. Keep on top of any small issues that can turn into big issues. I wish I had of done this with my 93 es300, it might still be on the road now!!
  3. I like them stock, clean and tidy but thats just me! haha! :D
  4. i had one for 6 years and it was faultless for about 5 years. then stuff started to go around 240,000 kms. Oil leaks, transmission was a little rough, overheating, dash lights are a common problem with these models. the mercury needles stop lighting up or flicker so its hard to see how fast your going most of the time. I did love my lexy though. So comfy to drive, a real cruiser, had grunt if needed and the sound really opened up after about 4 or 5000 revs! I wish I had of taken better care of it because it was a great car.
  5. Welcome to the Lexus forums lextsy :)

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