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Status Updates posted by mans247

  1. What does Amazons entry into Australia mean for businesses? https://t.co/Gycu4i5kdT

  2. Mum's The Word: Daily Addict's Carrie Kwan On Empowering Businessmums Via Her New Venture | Dynamic Business – Small…https://t.co/F2nWXRU6ZX

  3. https://t.co/THtgZusShy

  4. Property multimillionaires help to fast-track Grace's uni plans https://t.co/921G5AQ1je via @smh

  5. We are hiring, if you know someone who would suit please send them this link: https://t.co/kbpUtFaz6j

  6. obama-haben-posing.jpg https://t.co/fxMgtXSjwj

  7. Movember’s serious message https://t.co/cGszjJnfDm

  8. o1GfX.jpg https://t.co/mBOxh1Vcbm

  9. How a world champion of public speaking prepares for presentations https://t.co/UahQo2hCCN

  10. We're Hiring! https://t.co/bA7Lyahgrn

  11. If you are a start-up or looking to raise money have a read. Some truths here! https://t.co/r6WQIFM4h5

  12. RT @JamesMelville: Every picture tells a story. https://t.co/mnD68fA8JZ

  13. Great speech this week by @HumanHeadline. He is a great Australian. Looking forward to seeing your progress over the next 6 years

  14. https://t.co/pbfwM0Tlsx

  15. RT @BetteMidler: So, Donald Trump says he’s going to fire all of our military’s generals. Where is he going to get all new ones? The Genera…

  16. RT @JoshuaFlannery: Great post by @mans247 of Lime&Tonic & great to see UNSW student @GPTransferss Prozely featured! https://t.co/eIcWff6NcJ

  17. 13925933_10154017875042732_8634806107604121732_o.jpg https://t.co/uWPfIUfdFG

  18. @sevag777 yes , yes you are

  19. Gold! https://t.co/OAg6usZiwY

  20. @noamchomskyjr9 peaceful countries don't go to war

  21. sales meme.jpg https://t.co/hZn92KiL0s

  22. Agree on the calls for a referendum on a #quexit. @PaulineHansonOz didn't belong in politics 20 years ago. QLD you have been put on notice

  23. @GrouponAUS no point discussing, just remove them, they aren't yours

  24. Great concept https://t.co/utrtmt19VF

  25. Anyone who would use this event to push their own agenda @realDonaldTrump is on a whole new level of low. #OrlandoUnited

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