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Mlo1956 last won the day on July 13 2015

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About Mlo1956

  • Birthday February 24

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    NX 200T Sports Luxury
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  1. Hi Kairi Did you get your car? Let me know how you go with fuel consumption and how much fuel you managed to put in once it tells you that you have a few Km's left, I've an ongoing issue with Lexus about this, car says I've 6kms left in the range and I only manage to put 48-49 litres in a 60 litre tank. Cheers MLo
  2. Today I visited Lexus of Sutherland as Lexus (HQ) had advised me that they weren't aware of any issues, I had an indicated range of 6 Kms, I spoke to the Service Manager and he indicated that they are well aware of this issue as some of their clients have had exactly the same problem, he took a photo of the range indicator, I went across the road and filled up, I was only able to fit 49.84 litres, went back to Lexus and they took another photo of the receipt and the kms on the clock as well as the new range. He also indicated that he will send a report to Lexus as no one really knows what the real range of the car is, it should be a simple thing, the tank does not hold 60 litres as indicated in the manual or the sensors in the tank or software are wrong, either way it is hard for us to know and something needs to be done about it. It isn't very hard to determine how much fuel you have left in the tank, if the rage indicates that there are 100Kms left and you are averaging 11L/100, then you should be able to fit 49 litres, if you only can fit 35 litres, then something is wrong. That's one thing I hate about car companies, there's never anything wrong with the car, that's until they can't hide any longer, then the excuses start to come out.
  3. Thanks for your help, looks like it is a common thing given that a BMW and an Audi handle it the same way. Next thing is that I had to turn off the school zone warning as it is on 24/7, you'd think that it would recognise the day of the week and time of day and not provide those, I live in an area where there are 6 schools within 2kms and I go past numerous school zones in my way to and from work, unfortunately for me, well before and after school times, between those and speed/red light camera warnings was a constant warning sound, most annoying when you are on the phone. Other than that, we are loving it and it is likely to be the first Lexus of many, my wife likes it much better than her fully optioned current series BMW 328 and so does my daughter that drives a Q5.
  4. Hi all I wonder if anyone has encountered this: My car is now 1700 Kms old and I've refilled 3 times, each time it indicates a range left of 35 to 80 kms, therefore you'd think that given an average of 11.5L/100 kms, I'd have very little fuel in the tank, however when I filled up today with a range left of 34 Kms, the most I can fit in was 48 litres, which means that a range of at least 100 kms was left. I can't figure out if I'm using much less fuel than the car shows and therefore the computer is wrong, the tank is less than the 60 litres shown in the specs, which I doubt or there's another issue. Any ideas?
  5. Hi all Wondering if anyone has managed to link the voice of the Sat Nav to the radio, if you have the radio on and an instruction comes on, it is barely audible as the radio stays on the same volume. Also, does anyone know how to manage the info you get warnings for? I don't want to hear about school zones 24/7!!! Appreciative of any help. Cheers Michael
  6. I received my Sports Luxury 200T last Thursday, the fuel economy is low 11's so far with 550K on the clock, the car is as good or better than expected. It takes quite a while to learn all the different menus and sub menus. Everyone that has seen it is amazed at the appointments and quality of the car, those that are saying that it is a glorified and over priced Rav 4, obviously have not driven both cars, I compared the Rav4, Mazda CX5, Ausi Q5 and BMW X3, the first 2 come a long way down the line, the Germans may have the name but none of the refinement that the NX has, my daughter bought a Q5 and was extremely happy with it for 6 months, until last week, she's sorry that she didn't wait, my wife drives a current BMW 328i, she also wants to swap it for mine, the only issue, if you can call it an issue is the fuel consumption as I get between 8 and 9l/100 in the BMW and 11's in the Lexus, other than that, it is a better car than the others. BTW, I got mine from outside Sydney as the Sydney Dealers wouldn't negotiate below 80K, I got mine for much less, contact me if you are looking at getting a new Lexus as I befriended the sales manager. Cheers Mlo
  7. Mlo1956


    I received my Sports Luxury 200T last Thursday, the fuel economy is low 11's so far with 550K on the clock, the car is as good or better than expected. It takes quite a while to learn all the different menus and sub menus. Everyone that has seen it is amazed at the appointments and quality of the car, those that are saying that it is a glorified and over priced Rav 4, obviously have not driven both cars, I compared the Rav4, Mazda CX5, Ausi Q5 and BMW X3, the first 2 come a long way down the line, the Germans may have the name but none of the refinement that the NX has, my daughter bought a Q5 and was extremely happy with it for 6 months, until last week, she's sorry that she didn't wait, my wife drives a current BMW 328i, she also wants to swap it for mine, the only issue, if you can call it an issue is the fuel consumption as I get between 8 and 9l/100 in the BMW and 11's in the Lexus, other than that, it is a better car than the others. BTW, I got mine from outside Sydney as the Sydney Dealers wouldn't negotiate below 80K, I got mine for much less, contact me if you are looking at getting a new Lexus. Cheers Mlo
  8. Mlo1956


    Hi POC1 I just ordered my NX 200T and was wondering what fuel economy you are getting. Cheers
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