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1991 Ls400 Seat Belt Replacement?

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Hey all.

Ive just got my hands on a 1991 lexus ls400 and im trying to get it registered in the ACT.

My drivers seat belt is frayed and i dont think it will pass a roadworthy.

Does anyone know if you can get a replacement seatbelt that will pass ACT road worthy for this vehicle? ( i have tried google , wreckers , ebay to no avail )

Drove it back from QLD on an unregistered vehicle permit , so at least ive had a big drive in it , its just sitting in the garage now untill i get thie done .

Thanks for your time

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Go to www.soarercentral.com and then have a look at the Celsior forum, there are usually some cars being broken and they are local, well same country anyway but perhaps still a few 1000 Kms away!

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