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Funny thing, I was locked out of my 2010 ISF yesterday morning.

I always use the card key and I was able to access the boot but the car would not let me unlock the car from the drivers door.

Not at all!

Tried my other keys with the door handle and then with the unlock bottom, nothing!

Ended up sliding the key out and popping the cover of the handle, once inside the car started fine.

Walked past the car this morning (at work) and lights came on on the mirrors so she must like me again :blink:

Have no idea want went on.

Car was parked in our garage, never gets the garage so not sure if that had something to do with it (interference) but I doubt it.

Anyone else experience similar?

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It may be that your card key battery is running low - although typically it would give you a warning message.

I had something similar when I bought my car and had all the fobs and card key with me the first time - the car went nuts and didn't know which one to respond to !!!

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Hey subby

Nope not that, tried two other keys and car unlocks elsewhere.

I think it is some sort of interference.

I was this it may be all three keys are within proximity to the car when trying to unlock.

Will check this out when bak home

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do you have an iphone by any chance?

My IS350 sometimes has issues unlocking and I tracked it down to having my iphone in my pocket when it was doiing something (like retrieving email)

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If your phone is in your pocket it may interfere with the signal , I always out my phone in aeroplane mode (cut out all signal/ transmission) when I approach the vehicle, if you have iOS 7 (iPhone), just swipe up from the lock screen and press the aeroplane logo, then you can use the key in the same pocket as your phone, and there will be no distractions from the phone when driving (ie, vibration) as aeroplane mode cuts out all signals/transmission from phone :)

Most keyless entry systems on cars have this problem, (when phone is next or near to key fob).

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If your phone is in your pocket it may interfere with the signal , I always out my phone in aeroplane mode (cut out all signal/ transmission) when I approach the vehicle, if you have iOS 7 (iPhone), just swipe up from the lock screen and press the aeroplane logo, then you can use the key in the same pocket as your phone, and there will be no distractions from the phone when driving (ie, vibration) as aeroplane mode cuts out all signals/transmission from phone :)

Most keyless entry systems on cars have this problem, (when phone is next or near to key fob).

I don't put my phone and key in same pocket or keep put them on top of each other when on the bench. Understood this could deminsh the battery life for key.

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I had the opposite of NOT being able to lock my car. It was weird. I tried pushing the button on the handle but nothing happened. Tried it on my remote, still nothing. Kept trying with a few second waits in between. Then later later the car decides to listen and lock itself. Was worried cus i was in the city at that time and didn't want to leave!

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