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Altezza Alarm

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Ok I've got a pager alarm and gps systm in my altezza which came out of my evo 4, anyways I've had a problem with the battery in the past and I bought a new one a few months ago and then recenlty it went completely deed so I took it back in for a new one anyways after not driivng the car for 2 weeks maybe a bit more I got a flat battery, anyways I think its the alarm sytem is draining the battery!!

So this shouldn't be happening should it, anyone else got GPS?

why would it be doing this?

I've just decided to remove the negative and disconect the battery when im not driving it from know on!!!

only seems to be a problem if not driving it daily or regularly, when i usally drive another car through the week so not daily driving the bad boy!!!

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Hey Chief

Yeah thats normal for your battery to go flat over that period of time especially as you have an alarm, They draw a bit of current in active mode and depending on the reserve capacity of your battery will depend on how long it will run the alarm before the battey goes flat.

one option is you could start your car up for 10 minutes or so every couple of days to keep the battery charged especially if you want your alarm active while you aren't there.

Another option that you could try is to put a trickle charger on your battery while you are not using the car this would keep your battey fully charged and allow you to keep your alarm active instead of taking your terminal off, Especially as batterys don't like being subjected to rapeats of going flat as this will cause it to have a fit and die.

Hope this helps.


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yeah thanks "ChronicSK" & "Driver", its a real heavy duty battery, the top one of that brand so yeah i think the alarm is just draining it, sorry i didnt mention this is when the alarm is not activated as well!!

I may look into that trickle charger or maybe just drive the car more often, I dont really know how its doing it but the GPS must always be running maybe, and there is one alarm light that always flashes when the car is turned off but its part of the extra duel immobiliser system.

Pain in the arse but I suss something out

cheers.......Hayden B)

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I get it also, as Greeneyes is often not driven for a week or two.

Sometimes the boot is a little open and the light inside drains it, or a door, or I just don't know what. I resort to the trickle charger and half an hour ago when I arrived home I checked it for Friday!

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