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Take A Look In The Trunk!

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If you guys could take a quick look in you trunk, and lift up the floor,

You'll see to the left of the jack the Air Vent for the trunk....there is also one on the other side of the car...

Can you tell me which way the vent slopes down? Does it slope down towards the inside of the trunk, or does it slope down the other way towards the bumper...

Also, can you tell me if the Rubber flap is on the inside or on the outside nearer to the bumper?

i'm having some water get through there, and i think my vents are wrong way around...

any help appreciated :)


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Haha, those yankies on .Net are lost man

ltunedgirl started talking about her sunroof for some reason...even though i asked about the trunk....

ANYWAYS, Yes, I found out what i needed to know thanks to this "Chris Shipley" dude in the UK forums who has some sort of EPC computer program that apparently tells you anything and everything you want to know about the parts of the IS :o


and yeah, I found out that

the stupid repairers put mine in the wrong way!!

no wonder i've been having water come in.....

but now I know the problem I can have the dealer fix it up....

thanks mate :)

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