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Hi everyone,

I am having a few problems with my new is250.

Have only had it since october 06 and i have experienced a really loud rattle in the moonroof.

Lexus came and picked my car up and left me with a loan car which was excellent as I live about 45 mins. away from the dealership.

My car was brought back that afternoon, and the driver said that i had better fill up as the car was very low on petrol, but i was so happy they had fixed the rattle, i didnt care.

About two weeks later the rattle was back so i went through it again, but this time the car car was on empty on it's return, and i mean the range display said 0 kilometers left! I didnt think i would make it up my driveway!! Surely that can't be good for the car?

Three weeks later the rattle was back, but to top it off now all the front air con vents were loudly vibrating, the back ceiling was rattling and the seatbelt retractor near my ear was rattling as well!! Its an annoying symphony!!!

They have picked up the car this morning and have said they will have it for two days this time.

What i want to know is should I be upset about the no petrol thing or am I being over-sensitive?

Everyone can be brutally honest as I really need to know what to do If my car comes back on empty and with all the scary rattles!!

Has anyone else had any these problems? I have read that a few of you have but what about people that live near me? I live on the Gold coast, Australia.

This has really stopped me from being able to enjoy my car!!

I eagerly await your suggestions!!!


Ps- I feel so much better now, thanks for letting me vent!! What a fantastic forum!!

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I would not be happy with them giving the car back in such state, did they took the car when it was already low on fuel? Either way i think they should either tell you before they took your car that there might be a cost inccurred when they return the car due to refuelling (refuelling cost), or they could just put some in as part of a good gesture.

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I would not be happy with them giving the car back in such state, did they took the car when it was already low on fuel? Either way i think they should either tell you before they took your car that there might be a cost inccurred when they return the car due to refuelling (refuelling cost), or they could just put some in as part of a good gesture.

I agree idc!!

The car was not low on fuel when they took it although 45min there and 45min back does use up a lot and I think if it was that low on the way back, the driver should have put some in!! Obviously letting the fuel tank get totally empty cant be good!!!

Thanks for your reply idc!!


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I would not be happy with them giving the car back in such state, did they took the car when it was already low on fuel? Either way i think they should either tell you before they took your car that there might be a cost inccurred when they return the car due to refuelling (refuelling cost), or they could just put some in as part of a good gesture.

I agree idc!!

The car was not low on fuel when they took it although 45min there and 45min back does use up a lot and I think if it was that low on the way back, the driver should have put some in!! Obviously letting the fuel tank get totally empty cant be good!!!

Thanks for your reply idc!!


Hi belinda

Sorry to hear you have a few rattles, all i can say is keep taking it back, remember it's a very expensive car, one that should not have any troubles for years to come let along in the first 6 months. Put some pressure onto your dealers manager and if you get no satisfaction after being fair write a letter the owner of the dealership and get him involved. I actually had to in my case because not because the staff was not being nice it came down to one depatment didn't comunicate with the other in my situation. Now my car is fixed. With your petrol issue stand up and say to them, you owe me a tank of fuel for all the driving due to a fault with the car, it's not your problem it's got some issues. You have a case, so be nice and ask them, if it falls on deaf ears start to push harder and don't take no for an answer.

Good luck


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[Thanks Palms,

i think thats what i needed to hear!!

I really just want the car to be fixed and not be driving around listening for rattles any more!!

I want to be able to get in the car and drive with the stereo on and not worry that I might be mising something!!

Thats Palms, I will try and be more forceful!!



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Hi Belinda.

It sounds like your car is going back to Brisbane for the servicing. Is that correct?

If so, they should only be using 10 to 15 litres of fuel. Not a big thing, but the dealership should be taking note of these things as they are picking it up and returning it. As to the policy for about replacing the fuel, I don't know what they say, but considering when they give you a loan car, I have hardly ever put fuel in, I am sure they should add fuel for you.

On the rattles, I have a Moonroof in mine and so far (touch wood) have had no problems. I have had noises in the dash and the seat belt area. I have new noises in the dash (could be the old one coming back with a diffferent sound) which they have to look at next time they replace the front seat (again).

Persist in getting everything right and keep returning it until it is. Tell them to watch the petrol level as you hate to run out and call the Lexus service to get you back on the road again.

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It sounds like you have had even more problems than I have!!!! I am wondering if all the models have noise problems like this?!

I really had expected more from a prestige vehicle. Its my first, I thought everything would be perfect and worth paying the exra money for! I expected to bypass all the worries you receive from a middle range car.

Brisbane isnt the dealership i got mine from, down south a bit more!!

Thanks for you reply Rap,

and good luck, keep me posted!


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