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Altezza Gita Compliance

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Hi Guys,

I've just joined this evening and I'm sure I'm not the first person thats broached this topic but here I go anyway. . .

I am trying to organise compliance for the Altezza GITA 3.0L. (AWD model just misses out on HP/Tonne limit)

I have spoken to a couple of importers who say there is no real legal (i.e. SEVS)reason this hasn't yet happened, as this variant was never sold in AUS/has unique sheet metal; the main hurdle is finding a RAWS workshop that thinks this would be commercially viable and that is willing to undertake Compliance (small matter of $40-50K for this). I would like to see how many of your members would be interested in putting down $2.5K / EA (would need minimum 10 ppl) to spread the risk with the Workshop.

Having visited NZ and travelled in / driven one I would dearly like to be able to purchase one of these cars and can't for the life of me see why these would be any less likley to sell than many of the wierd and obscure vehicles that ARE complied. I am sure there are many over-35's out there who wouldn't be seen dead in a Caldina and would like a wagon with more gravitas, who would be interested in trying to get this over the line. . .

Note: Due to cost of meeting emission laws only pre-1/2004 vehicles would be viable...

I would welcome your comments.

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