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Well I've now driven it so I thought I'd post up some pics and thoughts.

A few members here attended the advanced sneak peek for this late last year.

The one I was really keen to have a crack on the track in was the LS600h F Sport.

327kw all wheel drive 5.0lt V8 plus hybrid drive. BIG BIG torque



The F Sport detail is really nice, I especially liked the F Sport logo in the leather on the headrests.


Chrome highlights on buttons are nice.


Best of all was the roads we got to test the cars on. I can't say where, although some will know. Those that do know also know not to say.



On top of the roads the cars we tested were a good selection.




LEX51S you would have had a ball.

The Audi A8 was disappointing.

The new BMW 7 series hybrid showed they they are following the Lexus lead with Hybrid. It wasn't as good though.

The S350 & S500 were like two totally different cars even just to sit in. S500 showed that it is the best part of $300k plus.

The Porsche Panamera wasn't as plush or comfy but WOW when you stand on the loud pedal.

As a complete package & for value for dollar the LS won the day.

The latest Drive.com.au comparison of LS460 v BMW 7 shows that although I may be bias I am not wrong.


RichieISF seemed most impressed by the addition of a Blueray player to the one he looked at the other day. I can't repeat what he said. haha.

The new LS is hitting the showrooms so check it out.

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What an awesome day it would have been (very Jelly). At the launch there were so many people rubbing their hands together dying to get in and drive them away. Its Great to hear that they have lived upto their standards.

Thanks dis-lex-sic

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