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New Member, Toyota Mark X. Grx133 350S


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Thanks bud.

I'm going through the process of getting the model added to the Toyota Australia system. Mainly so I can find out if mine has had the recall done. Anyone know if there is any indicators (aside from logbook entry)?

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I spoke with head office directly yesterday and they confirmed that I take in all the import information and paperwork and they will add it and contact Toyota Japan to find out about the recall.

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That seem nice of them, yeah usually local manufactures tend not to like the grey import market, I don't think there would have been too many recalls for this car, defiantly not in the engine area, as it was a existing engine design.

Recall Page


I think you can look up the model number here.


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Yeah I was surprised, but she was adamant they would.

The only recall (as far as I know) is the same as the is350 one, the vvti inlet cam gear and a fuel sensor a year or so earlier.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi mate, great looking Mark X. I don’t mean to prior but
could you fwd me the complete costs of compliance and ORC’s without Mods or
there abouts. I’m at a cross road wanting to rid of my 07 TRD Aurion and get
either a IS-350 F sport or 2011 Mark X 350s – you also mentioned the Diff is
**** why’s that?

Uses: Daily driver, and distressing my VE SSV friend’s

Thanks in advance..

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I'll let you know costs once it's all over. My cat had to go and do the final test again. The equipment has become faulty and they don't know when the fault first occurred so they want to retest the lay few cats they did. Putting me back another month at least, in so *BLEEP*ing angry about it, I've already waited liberty than I was supposed to and now it's stretching out further. 10 months I've owned it now.

Depending on condition, kms, colour and options don't expect change from 25-28k on road for a decent one.

Once the bull*BLEEP* with mine is finished from the time you purchase a car from the auctions in Japan to having it on the road in Aus to be about 2-3 months.

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The one I was looking at was 2011 TOYOTA MARK X GRX133 350S
7000kms AUD $32,700 from
prestigemotorsport or cheaper low Kms 350s

It sounds like compliance has stuffed you around a lot! I
guess something I'll consider is prestige do not include all on road costs and compliance - so I’m
looking at about $37k ($27k after selling the TRD) I will not mod it like you,
with suspension etc as It's frustrating enough as I lowered my TRD every pot
hole and drive way is an experience lol.

I really like the Mark X as the is350 interior looks like my
TRD (bit boring) and three’s no way I can afford a 2013 -14 is350 :P

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Ahh yes, I see those ones on there. Couple of things, the ones they list as a "350" is actually just called "Premium"

Anyone can bring a car into the country (as we went through the process of getting them elidgible for SEVS), however the process of complaince is another matter and can only be done by: People who have put a car through the compliance process themselves (ie the guy whos is doing mine) or if someone wants to get a complaince ticket for that car they need to go throug the process we are going through now.

What this means is if a car is getting their own complaince expect an additional wait of 5-8 months to get the car on the road (FYI the cost of having a complaince ticket for a car is about $30 000 most of which is the cost of emissions testing)

Those prices aren't too bad on that site, as you can see black ones are the most expensive, also look at the grade of the car, most of those seem to be 4A or 4.5A (higher the number the better). If you don't read Japanese (I don't) its best looking into what options are ticked, or asking the importer to get the guy in Japan to find out.

Factory options on the 350s is things like:

Modellista parts (suspension, wheels, etc)

TRD parts (wheels, diff, exhausts, suspension, intake, electrics etc)


Leather interior (stock interior is "sports cloth", like alcantara with leather bits.

Power 6 way Premium seats with heating and cooling (stock ones are 4 way, no heating and cooling)

To give you an idea mine is a grade 5AA (top level), 47xxx kms, Modellista suspension, leather interior and the 6 way power seats and the purchase cost was close enough to $19 000 aud. On road as you know expecting late 20's.

I've only driven it a few kms but it's awesome, well worth it, just the compliance are killing me.

Diffs are all open from the factory, can be optioned with a TRD one like i said, but they're super super rare.

I'll probably get one (a torsen centre) from a Chaser, I did an open to torsen conversion on my old jzx100 chaser and it required the torsen side shafts too, not sure if the Mark X will.

The diff in the X is the same part number as the SC430 Soarers, and people have put the Chaser/small supra diff centres in them so that's what I'll be going for.

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  • 3 months later...
Well progress my good men (and women?)

A call to Nuwan reveled that the car is at Vipac now and being tested (will be finished today), then back to the workshop next week for approval in theory, then final approval by transport and I'm home free. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The hold up has been the Vipac (the company who is doing the emissions testing) had a failure of their testing equipment and halted all shed tests (the only one my car still needed). It took them almost 5 months to fix it. No compensation can be had for the 5 months of my time that was wasted whilst they dicked around fixing it. But it's up and running again and I'm almost free of their uselessness.

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