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The only thing I'd be worried about is the colour of the indicator lights. Should be amber coloured, but the photos appear to give off closer to a white light.

There are already reflectors at the bottom of the rear bar, so that would be my only concern.

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Found their eBay page... the red version seems to show a much darker yellow for the indicators. If they use the same setup for the black ones, I think they should be fine.

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Ive seen those lights too from the US forums, they look great.

From the videos ive seen, when the lights are on, brakes and indicators illuminated etc, its clearly visible whereas some paint / tint / wrap their tailights making it harder to see.  I suspect this is where the legality issue would be of a concern.  Dont quote me on that though lol, just an opinion.  

Not sure for certain if police would harass you over these.

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