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Hks Filter

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I got a new HKS filter of Matt today and installed it. what a difference. Smoother between gear shifts and definitly better above 5000rpm and more responsive I was quite surprised. $140 well spent I think.

Probably cos i was used to a 70000km old factory filter.

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  • 2 months later...

Make sure to Oil them and clean them out every 10,000 k's...just use one of those K&N Filter Rechager or Foam Filter Cleaner pack available at Repco and Wooltons...for around $30, Oil is very important for foam filter and they how most of the dust get filtered...also for Metal Filters like K&N, but with paper filter you will be fine...if any of you guys are keen on a HKS Filter Let me know I m off back in Hong Kong and if you are in no rush on them, save yourself $20 on Shipping, but you will have to pick them up in late Januaray...

Matt :)

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K&N Filter Rechager or Foam Filter Cleaner pack available at Repco and Wooltons...for around $30

Castrol have a filter oil avaliable from bike shops for about $7 - 8

Use a little pertol to clean the crap out of your filter, then oil with the castrol oil. Heaps cheaper than the H&N stuff.

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Yeah, put me down for one Matt. Do you want the money before you go?


Hey keith, You want a HKS filter? whoa I though you are not into moding cars my friend...lolz...well it does save you good money sice you never have to get another one again...

Matt :)

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