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To All Members,visitors,and Guests.


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At this festive time of year I understand we are all extremely busy with work,family, and spending huge amounts of hard earned $ on prezzies for those dear and true to us(and this includes our cars of course ;) )

I should like to take this opportunity to offer my personal thanks to all those who have made this club(albeit still young) one of the most helpful,professional and friendly clubs I have seen for quite some time.

Whether a casual visitor who pops by from time to time,or one of the integral members whose knowledge and willingness to assist those in need, I consider everone an equal part of this clubs success-and to see it develop to this stage from what was originally nothing more than a passing thought is something that makes me realise what a great bunch of people belong to this organisation.

A special thank you to Matt Lai,Keith,4 rollin,Hoon and D1Tezza,whose interest in both the club and these cars have been invaluable in the development on the NZ scene. Also,to those Australians that have been doin great on the forums and building relationships with both fellow locals and us kiwi's-tis greatly appreciated.

I'm lucky and proud to be involved with you lot-may you all have a superb and safe christmas,recieve S/C kits or turbs in you stockings,and have a very prosperous and welcoming 2004.

That's about it really...


Gav :gav:

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well done to the club and all our members, have a merry christmas and happy new year and a special thanks to Gavin and I guess the others " Matt Lai,Keith,Hoon and D1Tezza" who have helped establish the club.

Will be interesting to see how the club develops with the large quantity of these cars coming into the country, so more members!

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Very well said Gavin, Its my pleasure to help the club out, since I alwasy wanted one in Au / New Zealand but never had a chance to do so until I meet Gav! you are the man! anyway thanks to many other members that helped out spreading the words and helping us doing this job. I would like to wish you are a happy a safe christmas and new year...

Matt Lai :)

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