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*** Notice *** Server Move Sun 25th Jan

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We shall be moving all our sites at midnight of Sunday the 25th which shall be basically in theory be Saturday night.

We chose this time as the weekends are the most quietest and we would not want to affect all you people at work :D

Over the past few weeks we have noticed a degrade in the service due to the amount of activity on the server and it is now time to upgrade. The website shall still remain in the same Network Operations Centre but shall be copied over onto a new server. We would need approx 2 hours downtime and 30 mins for DNS update. Some of you may experience difficulties on sunday due to certain ISP's... However, by Monday morning everything should be rosey again.

Since March last year we have calculated 117232074 file requests... we also estimate this figure to be higher as not all sites have been calculated but we know this is from just the few sites from the LOC & TOC network.

So.. to finalise this announcement if you experience any strange activity this weekend then you should be aware that we are working through the night to make sure everything is back to normal.


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We shall be moving all our sites at midnight of Sunday the 25th which shall be basically in theory be Saturday night.

We chose this time as the weekends are the most quietest and we would not want to affect all you people at work :D

Over the past few weeks we have noticed a degrade in the service due to the amount of activity on the server and it is now time to upgrade. The website shall still remain in the same Network Operations Centre but shall be copied over onto a new server. We would need approx 2 hours downtime and 30 mins for DNS update. Some of you may experience difficulties on sunday due to certain ISP's... However, by Monday morning everything should be rosey again.

Since March last year we have calculated 117232074 file requests... we also estimate this figure to be higher as not all sites have been calculated but we know this is from just the few sites from the LOC & TOC network.

So.. to finalise this announcement if you experience any strange activity this weekend then you should be aware that we are working through the night to make sure everything is back to normal.


Thanks steve and the UK LOC guys for the help...;)

Matt :D

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