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Srs Airbag Warning Lights

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The SRS airbag warning light has been coming on on my Altezza every now and then lately - vaguely concerning. Basically, if it comes on when I start the car, it doesn't turn off... but other times it won't be on at all. I can't seem to find a pattern to it at all.

Toyota had the car today and I asked them to take a look at it, but they didn't have anything inspiring to say - in fact, they were blimen useless, didn't even give me any assurances as to whether my airbags were functioning or not! Apparently they cleared the codes and "road tested", but I have no idea what I got for my 3/4 an hour of labour (other than them smashing my bodykit's bumper into something causing $500 damage... but that's another story...)

All they said was "to replace the component would be $614 + $150 labour". I have no idea even what component they're talking about, and how they know it's the problem... any ideas?

Are there any common reasons for these warning lights to come on? Ways of diagnosing the problem? Not sure what to do now.... but I sure as hell aint paying Toyota $750 until I know more!

(sorry for anyone who caught the Toyspeed crosspost :-o )

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If the Airbag warning light is on means there must be some kind of a wiring problem...happened to me before...from what I heard from my Lexus tech the wiring inside the steering wheel is installed very tightly, means that if a person always have his steering wheel adjust it might cause a brake down on the wiring inside...to get it done labour will never be cheap, but what ever the part is going to be I can source it from Japan for cheaper...

Matt :D

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Can also pop up after electrical work. When I had my alarm installed the light was on and the installation company said "yeah it happens a lot with Altezzas - get Toyota to reset the code and that will clear it. I did, Toyota did (no charge) and its been fine since.


02 Gita L edition

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Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate that. Funnily enough, it's been okay the past few days (and believe me, I've done a lot of driving :D) so we'll see how it goes.

I'll have a hunt on the UK LOC site tomorrow I think - see if anyone has any ideas.

Heh, I am quite short and I do have the steering wheel tilted right down, so who knows - maybe my height is to blame. *grin*

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