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A friendly heads-up to fellow IS owners - be aware that our cars do attract attention, and sometimes of the unwelcome type. I was walking back to my car at the end of the work day as I normally do, and noticed all four tire caps (our very nice metal ones) have been "harvested" from my car. Of course it totally pissed me off, and I'm in contact with my Lexus salesperson for help.

We work hard to buy something we really like, and it only takes a pisshead SOB to spoil things.


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Has anybody seen/bought/used these?


They look interesting - the auction's closed now but he looks like he'll advertise them again I'd say.

Yes, I've got these ones on my car - I got them a few months ago so I assume they are the same ones.

They look great. But you'll need get the tool to screw/unscrew them which also doubles up as a bottle opener that can be used as a key ring.

These days you need lockable tyre caps otherwise some punk would just steal them.

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Has anybody seen/bought/used these?


They look interesting - the auction's closed now but he looks like he'll advertise them again I'd say.

Yes, I've got these ones on my car - I got them a few months ago so I assume they are the same ones.

They look great. But you'll need get the tool to screw/unscrew them which also doubles up as a bottle opener that can be used as a key ring.

These days you need lockable tyre caps otherwise some punk would just steal them.

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  • 1 month later...

Touchwood it hasnt happened to me (yet?!) - but surely your Lexus dealer could help out with a free set. They probably get boxes delivered with '1000Qty' on the side!! so its no loss to them. Just go into your dealer, act vague/dumb and ask where you could get a set from, and odds-on, they'll sort you out.

I had the steel caps on my old VS Conformadore years ago knocked off 3 separate times. I found my tyre dealer (Bridgestone) would replace them whenever I got a balance/alignment or new tyres, so if they can do that - surely Lexus can help you out.

Its just an inconvenience when you have classless, respectless arrsholz out there stealing them.

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