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Hi all,

After sitting on my desk for 2 months, I decided to install my new Smart Accel Controller (http://apexi-usa.com...controller.html)

This is a device which is a little unusual, but it caught my eye just after it was released and I thought I'd give it a go.

What it does is remap the accelerator graph to behave differently to standard. This is an easy task since Lexus have used drive-by-wire for quite some time now, and it intercepts the signal coming from the pedal and tells the ECU something slightly different.

Here is an overview of the various mapping modes:


After the 10 minute install, I set out to test the new beast.

Initially I decided to test the Eco modes, as it was safer to test something that made the car slower than something unpredictably quick.

Eco Mode 1 doesn't feel too different to standard. An ever so slight delay in power delivery. You could easily leave it in this mode every day and not notice the difference and you might actually save a little bit of fuel.

Eco Mode 2 was slightly more restrictive than 1, but still not too bad.

Eco Mode 3 again was a slightly longer delay but nothing bad enough to complain about.

Low Throttle mode was tested next, and boy could you feel it. The car felt like it was towing a tonne of bricks. Very slow off the mark and cushioned in the midrange, and power eventually came "normal" at the high end of the rev range. This mode is ideal if you want to let someone drive your car and not let them have any fun at all.

Hi Throttle mod was tested next. I wasn't overly happy with this mode. I thought there would be more punch considering the LED was glowing an evil red colour. Yes, the car felt a little bit quicker off the line but not as much as I'd hoped.

Now for the exciting modes. The controller is programmed to completely overshoot WOT commands to the ECU and get the car moving as quickly as possible.

Boost 1 felt impressive indeed. Very easy to chirp the rears and get TRC active. This would probably be the all-round mode you could use every day. Lovely accelerator response and a positive feeling that the car is faster off the mark.

Boost 2... where do I start? Perhaps with the black lines I've been leaving on my test track. This mode is absolutely ridiculous, and care should be taken when the car is in Sport mode and TRC turned off. You can easily get the car to light up the rears with the absolute minimum of effort. The first time I tested this I was genuinely surprised and had to tap the brakes and give out a sigh of shock. Amazing power delivery... it feels as though the car has been turbocharged and off the line performance is stellar.

All in all, for around $250 delivered, this is one amazing piece of hardware. The Toyota/Lexus harness fits most of the Lexus range (IS250/350/F), and can even be used to soup up your mum's Camry if needed :P

Hopefully I can make the next cruise and you can give it a try yourself.

Overall rating: A++ Takes the sluggishness out of the IS to transform it into a spritely beast.

Edited by Atlantis
Fixed typo
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WOW! Didn't know hardware like this was avaiable - thought it was more programming and tuning only. Sounds very interesting indeed - and even more so if you can install discreetely into your dashboard as a one-button job, as seen in the example image of the ISF dash - not some tacked on box with exposed wires! However, I wont be considering anything like this whilst my warranty is still valid! I also would be giving my insurance company a call first as well. Those barrstads look for any possibly way out of a claim these days.

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If needed, you could pull this out of the car in less than 60 seconds. It took 10 mins to install because I didn't want to see any exposed wiring and like things neat and tidy.

I should mention that this won't give you any additional power, it just remaps the accelerator graph to make it feel quicker than normal.

I've been driving around all morning with a smile on my face. Reminds me very much of how an IS350 launches off the line.

I doubt this would void any warranties, as it does not give you any more power than the car originally had.

There is also no wire cutting involved so the install can be reversed perfectly when required.

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334mm - It has a milder affect once you're rolling, but it still works to a degree. The device can send a WOT signal to the ECU quicker than your foot can, so there would be an ever so slight decrease in downshift time, but nothing amazing at high rpms. This mod is more suited to quick launches off the line than higher speeds.

BigDenis - I'll whip the camera out later and grab a pic.

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hmmm. i think i need to try this mod hahaha. It might delay financial hardship for a couple of months so i dont upgrade the 250 as quick haha.

is it plug and play?

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Very plug and play... unplug the cable to the drive-by-wire box above the accelerator pedal, plug the APEXi thing into it, then plug the factory cable into the APEXi box.

No cutting, soldering or crimping required.

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When is the next cruise? Might be worth testing it out before splasing out $ on one... even though I think it's great, depending on your driving style it might not be suitable for you. If you WOT a lot already, you probably won't feel a lot of difference with this installed.

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BigDenis - I'll whip the camera out later and grab a pic.

That would be very much appreciated - thanks.

Did you also purchase the smart accelerator controller harness?

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Yep, it can't really be used without one... unless you fancy splicing in a *BLEEP*eload of wiring. 417-A014 is the correct harness for the IS range.\

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey tups, LEX51S will be in charge of stickers very shortly.

I'm sending him a huge pile of them in the next few days, so get in contact with him and he will be able to help you out :)

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can supply them if people are interested. $300 + post.

I will source the correct harness and offer installation advice, since all of the documentation is in Japanese.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys, just came across this old post. Since its been a couple of years now I'm wondering how the cars are holding up with the throttle remapping and did it make that big of a difference after a while?

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