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Car Mods - What Floats Your Boat?


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For those who like to modify their car and add their own touch… what mods would you apply to your car first? Wheels, spoilers or performance mods, in which order would you modify your ride? What Top 5 Mods you would do first?

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It depends on the car. Something with a turbo would get performance mods over aesthetics whereas for something like the IS, it would be more aesthetic mods over performance mods primarily because it is so hard to gain any more performance.

Also depends on price of mods and what you can afford to do at the time.

My top 5 mods to do in no particular order are:


Spoilers/Lips if required


Tint if don't already have any

Exhaust or as much of it as possible depending on how much I can afford at the time

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I always thoug wheels would have come first as its the most impact?

lol not when u wanna fill out the gurads to the point where it doesnt scrub

getting the right wheel and suspension combo is probably the hardest in doing up our cars

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