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2008 Is F For Sale Grab A Bargain


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^ They're just waiting around so they can get them for trafficking/manufacturing drugs.

It's been many days now...

Odd that they can't just go and get it, few years ago a third party did a hit and run on our parked car, stand by witness got their plate, we brought all the info the police station

and on the same day they knocked on their door and matched up paint/broken tail-lights at their house?!

Then again, another incident where my car got keyed in a uni carpark, there was CCTV footage that the university didn't want to hand over to me, so i made a police report, cops did nothing.


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thanks. I am going to see my lawyer tomorrow and a private investigator. Its not so much for the car as it's most likely done for it's just to fight for the insurance money which in itself is ridiculous as there has been a crime and I still have to prove myself.

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Man I feel for you !

I hate theiving scum. Cut off their bloody hands!

thanks. I am going to see my lawyer tomorrow and a private investigator. Its not so much for the car as it's most likely done for it's just to fight for the insurance money which in itself is ridiculous as there has been a crime and I still have to prove myself.

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I was driving around and every ISF i see on the streets, Im looking for yours only to realise your in NSW.

It sh!ts me to tears knowing that someone has done this to you, it can be done to anyone. Even if you do all your checks, you never know.

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thanks guys appreciate your thoughts. Called the police today again same thing "ahh mmm it has not been allocated as yet call back later". It's been a week now...

The insurance investigator has just left my place we had a good chat lets see what turns out soon. Also spoke to Lexus today and it turns out they had another customer recently going through the exact same drama a friend has also just been approached by someone suspicious lately it seems to be a popular scam these days so guys watch out!

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Non at all. The police is utterly hopeless they say the case has STILL NOT been assigned to anyone after two weeks. I've lost my fate in the police long ago when our house got broken into and they did absolutely nothing and let me tell you that impression is now sealed forever. Insurance are waiting for the police report as well. They did not even ask me for a statement yet. Of course the reminder for an unpaid and unfair parking ticket arrived right on time yesterday. I went to the police website as I am considering an official complaint and the rules say you have the right to complain but if they find that it was not fair they can put you in prison for that.

Really fair dinkum system we got in place don't we?

Lightly put, I am furious...

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Definately complain and document everything.

I would contact them ask what happening explain that your extremely disspointed by the lack of ownership and action provided by the police tell them you are writing a email to the minister of police and also sending this to every media outlet.

Follow that conversation up with an email explaining the the undue hardship the police are putting you through and CC minister for police and email media outlets. Use words such as victimised by the police.

You will be amazed how things move then you start throwing constable jones under the bus in front of national TV and the minister of police.

Or........... Just tell them you saw your car driving around yesterday with ISIS stickers on the side of it.

The Federalies don't muck around !

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i cant believe this story, my mate told me about it

feel for you mate

to be honest i dont think you will see your car again which is *BLEEP*house

also shouldnt the insurence pay it out because it is fraud?

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Hey ISFBloke,

My father in law is a laywer sadly he is away till next week but I'll see if I can get some answers for you.

Sadly this is more a police issue, than a legal one, however if we can assert enough pressure maybe we can get some action on your car.

Worst thing is, its not a bloody corolla or silvia were talking about its a bloody ISF!

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I guess if the insurance company were confirmed to be paying out regardless it wouldn't be much of an issue as such but it seems they're not as willing?!

The length it's taking is pretty ridiculous.

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thanks guys appreciate the feedback. The insurance company has given up on the police as well so the investigator is filing their report and decision should be made early next week. If the claim is rejected than I will put pressure on the police big time especially as with my help we could have recovered the car day one. I quote the officer when I identified the suspects on day one: "yeah we know them they are well known criminals and have a fair idea where they are" yet nothing has been done whatsoever.

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I'd forget about recovering the car and be putting serious pressure on the insurance company to pay up on a service that you were paying for.

A friend of mine lost his EVO9 the same way a few years back..Insurance paid him out

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Development: I've been putting pressure on Allianz hence they've been doing the same with the police. So today the head detective took the case himself and said " this case should have been reported as a stolen vehicle not fraud that way we would have got onto it right away".

No f....g kidding that is what I been telling them everyday since...

So that's what we are up to in over two weeks.

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