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Hi there, I was advised from a qualified Toyota mechanic to replace my timing belt after identifying an oil leak around the timing belt itself.
He mentioned it was potentially dangerous to be driving the car while in this condition and told me to get it fixed as soon as possible.

I'm located in Melbourne Australia and for the past hour I've been doing a bit of research on some kits available, eBay has a few options that vary in price and google shows some other odd autoparts websites which look to be a lot more expensive and a lot less informative than I hope for.
I personally do NOT have any experience in buying auto parts such as these so I wouldn't have a clue where to begin and what to look for in terms of quality and affordability.
I also would like to mention I'm not looking to break the bank with top of the line parts, unless it was a really good deal.
But again, I don't know where to start.
So I ask of whoever is reading and willing to help, please teach me *how* to shop for these parts.
For example, in the following eBay link which contains some kits, which of these would be the best decision and why.

Any help and advice is truly appreciated.

  • 2 weeks later...


You dont want to skimp out on a cheap timing belt - if the belt snaps or stretches you can ruin your engine very quickly. Stick with a kit containing either Dayco or Gates brand belts which are very good quality. You will probably find your current timing belt is a Dayco as they supply many parts for Toyota/Lexus. 

Timing belts themselves are quite cheap (<$100), the more expensive part is the tensioners etc that you need to replace at the same time (included in the kits) and the labour for a mechanic to do the work.

Either of these 2x options will be good for your IS300. Note the Gates option includes a new bearing that the Dayco kit does not. Both kits are essentially identical otherwise and both kits include the cam/crank seals which is what is probably leaking on your car now.



  • 1 year later...

Lots of video's YOUTUBE of how its done, taking the radiator out makes it a lot easier.

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