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Induction Pipe + Thorottle Body

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HI everybody.. thz 4 all da reply last time.. now i decide to keep my altezza..

so now im thinkin of doing some more mods to it..

wat im trying to do on my car now is to get an induction pipe to connect the lower right hand side of my front bumper to my pod filter.. ive seen that on many performance car in the magazine ... this way more cold air can be directly feed into the filter..so the car can go abit faster... but ive been lookin 4 those sort of pipe 4 a long time... + so far i only found Ralliart r selling it.. it cost around $200.. + the diameter of the pipe is just about enough to cover the whole pod filter... so do you guys think is worth the money to do such mods? and do you guys know any where that i can get these pipe cheaper?

Also ive seen the race car in Macau they polish the ROUND THING(is that called thorottlebody? sorry i dont know what was that called in English.. in Chinese we called it the butterfly cover.. which is the bit that sticks just after the end of the filter) as the restriction to the race wont allow them to change the one with bigger diameter..i dunt really know why they are doin it.. is it because it makes the thing smoother and thinner so more air can be feed to the engine? so is it worth the $ 2 do such job? and what is the reasonable price for it... + is it possible 2 DIY?

THZ :)

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Hi ZZa. When i did the ducting to my pod filter i went to the plumbing store aand bought some 75mm expandable pvc piping. It has a wire spiral in it . this works out a lot cheaper than proper pipe and i kow of several race car driver's who use this as they put me on to it.


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I was going to do this but have been advised that the positioning of the factory intake air souce up in the guard forces air into the intake anyhow through my front bumper (ive got a cold air induction box though) therefore no real benefit would come from doing so however it would possibly direct the air flow better to the source but you wont notice it.

I also realise that with different bumpers there may be some air flow restrictions and this may be a good idea.

good luck with it, should be a good little mod to do anyway!!!!

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Hi Voice.

No cold air box at the moment I have ducted cold air from my front spoiler and it comes out directly under the pod filter. I am however looking at either purchasing one or making one in the near future.

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Hi Voice.

No cold air box at the moment I have ducted cold air from my front spoiler and it comes out directly under the pod filter. I am however looking at either purchasing one or making one in the near future.

I think Muzza's idea is pretty good, without a cold air box he has cut a hole beneath his pod filter so it directly sucks cold air in to the filter.

This is possibly the only way a ducting pipe wouild work effectively as with the factory side intake, it isnt big enough I reckon to have ducting connected!


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