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Posts posted by ldc

  1. From what i have experienced, the late 2007 onwards shouldnt have rattle issues. If you have seat rattles the fix is just retightening of the seat to the rails (bolts).

    If you shop around, i think you could land a good deal on a used car, but the cost i would think will depend on the Ks travelled needless to say. If you find a cheap base prestige than think about it, as the E.P version might be worth more but is it worth the extra $$$.

    Have not done a "paid" service on my car yet so would not know.

  2. I never fill mine up to your $87 mark, i only fill max $60 each time and that was with around 30Kms left to travel. It's hard to say how much you can get out of a full tank as everyone's driving style is different, trafiic conditions differs, price of fuel differs etc. But if you must know, for me if i were to put in $87 of PULP, i think i would better your mark of 550K...again depends on cost per Litre. you only meant to put in PULP for the 250, so ULP was never an option, you just have to get PULP.

    At the end of the day you have to enjoy your car and as much as i am a conscious person of things like fuel consumption, Kms travelled on the Odo etc, i have to concede that in my car the only thing that matters is the enjoyment of driving. The car isnt used for alot of driving (thankfully) but each time i drive it i don't think of muc else other than enjoyment.

    If you are fuel conscious (due to driving heaps), best to get a small hatch. cos then not only will you not worry about fuel consumption, but you will not worry about other costs such as maintance costs, insurances etc. My 2 cents anyway.

  3. As far s i know lexus have addressed the rattles issues in the 07/08 models.

    I just got my seat rails tightened and that got rid of the seat rattles so far.

    I concur that if you pay that much for a car you'd want it to be near perfect (no such thing as perfect). I bought the Presitge so it wasn't as much as the SL, i guess my pain isnt as bad as yours.

    Btw, my love for driving the lexus has increased since the seat rattles have gone. If nothing else goes wrong i'll keep my car till altleast till the warranty runs out.

  4. I don't know if anyone here the X car yet.

    If you have enough to get a Sport or Sport Luxurymight be good to go that way.

    The extra things are nice to have but for me money was the driving factor....and not that i'm biased, but the costs you put into the cars doesn't necessarily means you can get them back in comparision amounts, depend on what you get too i suppose.

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