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Posts posted by Gavin_S

  1. I should like to take this opportunity to bid welcome to all the latest members to join our ranks.

    Great to have you all as part of the NZ L.O.C as the club continues to develop and get stronger every day.

    You shall find the support and knowledge offered by this, and it's sister clubs overseas is second to none on the Lexus/JDM lexus vehicles,and I hope this resource can assist you in some way.

    Make yourselves at home and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible soon,



  2. All I can say is that if the IS430 was put into production at least I may have a chance of one day owning one...A bugatti is a tad out of my reach I'd say!

    Until they do,I'm still impressed with the everyday IS/RS as a superb all-round performance vehicle.

    We can but dream,maybe a petition to have it built for production by all Lexus owners worldwide would do the trick! B)

  3. Not just for coming together as a team to whoop both the Sth Africans AND Australians(no offence to any Aus/Springbok members)-but a big thumbs up for making all the bars in Auckland(and I imagine nationwide) absolutely packed on sat night!

    I've had an absolutely hectic weekend,but it'll let me buy some more toys for the 'tezza.

    If any of you guys are in town for the next game come watch on one of our big screens and have a beverage or two on me....


    Gav B)

  4. Could be mistaken as being up under the guards at the rear,but that's due to the extreme g's being absorbed under extreme acceleration!!! ;)

    But back in the real world,my car's sitting a relative 620mm/25mm rear, and 623mm/28mm at the front.Ride comfort is a bit firmer than standard but handling is far superior to my last '98 IS(standard then king springs fitted),and lower!

    Still not too firm to be uncomfortable,just more positive road feedback.

    Now when's our carpark gymkhana keith...? :rolleyes:

  5. I too,am kickin up 32 big ones- and after spendin 3 years in hospital decided one of my goals was gonna get a career that would allow me a car that turns heads,drives like a dream,puts a smile on my face and allows me the time to actually get out on the roads to use it!

    Paid for it all by my lonesome!

    I'm right there with ya on the "lack of parking space" problem Keith-The 'tezza takes pride of place in the SECURE,ALARMED GARAGE( ;) ),my Mitsi Pajero junior beside the garage, Honda cr250 and Suzuki rf900 under the awning at end of driveway...

    May need a bigger house for whatever my next step will be!lol

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