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Low fuel light, how many remaining km's left


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Hi all,

Just curious if anyone knows approx how many kms can be driven when the low fuel light appears.

I know its dependant on your right foot etc but if driving normal, not in sport mode etc, how far could our ISF's drive?


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I have been informed that there is 9 litres left when the low fuel lights comes on.   you should be able to do over 50km.

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Sorry, I thought that when the fuel light comes on, you had to floor the ISF, to get to the petrol station faster.     I’m sure you could get more then 50km, I’m just not sure if you could get all the fuel out of the tank.

At  9l/100, with 9 litres in the tank, you could travel 100km.   at 16l/100, with 9 litres in the tank, you could travel  56km.

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Cheers for the replies.  Saw some posts on the US forums but not for ISF's and that was a mixture of different answers.  A few times ive been caught out (generally dont let it get lower than a 1/4 so its not picking up the last remaining drops) but this morning i was running late to work and the fuel light came on and when i parked it said 30km remaining.

I filled up after work anyway but was just curious, had i drove that 30km, how much further approx could i go if i continued.  

Ended up getting just over 380km to the tank before filling up this afternoon.  Usually at 1/4 or so im getting low 300's :-(

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I believe Ltuned is right.

The tank holds about 65L. From what I've read, 55 is your main and the other 10 is the reserve.

The light comes up when the main is close to 0, but your reserve sits without notice. Sounds about right as I've gone done to 20KM remaining, which I know is an estimate. However I've never been able to do a full 65L refuel, only ever 53-54.

I could be wrong, but sounds plausible 0.o



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I've heard a few people say that you shouldn't let a tank run down because it will pick up the crap from the bottom of the tank but surely the tank drains from the bottom?


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43 minutes ago, PMD008 said:

I've heard a few people say that you shouldn't let a tank run down because it will pick up the crap from the bottom of the tank but surely the tank drains from the bottom?


Yeah ive heard the same.  Wasnt deliberate in my case, it just caught me out so it got me thinking.

Ive heard things from it can over time ruin your cat converter, fuel pump working harder, of course accuracy of the gauge itself is questionable etc.  I generally fill up when it hits 1/4 or near enough.  Maybe its just me but i feel like it burns quicker when it gets low vs a full tank (evaporation, consumption or something along those lines)

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Haha. I think it's just the comfort of a full tank has gone and now the task of filling up has hit your to-do list again so you're constantly watching it! 

I'm just the same. The reality is the less fuel you have, the less weight you carry and so the car should be more fuel efficient when it's low on fuel. But hey if we lived in an ideal world...

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  • 1 month later...

FWIW I went all the way down to 0km remaining, and managed to get from Wakefield Park to the nearest petrol station in Goulburn, which was 15km away.

In theory using the last of the fuel in the tank could suck up some crud, but I've never seen any crud in a petrol tank that was worth worrying about.  Unless the car in question was sitting for many years and the inside of the tank actually went rusty 

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