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Hi Again

Am picking my car up this arvo and have seen around here that there are certain settings that only the dealer can do. Can anyone tell me what I should get done before I leave the dealership? Also, can they program your home rollerdoor remote into the car somehow? I think I read this somewhere.

I am going to see if they can transfer the contacts etc from my iphone before I go because I have seen that this is hard work. My sales rep told me it was easy so I will let him do it!!

I seriously can't wait. And everyone keeps telling me what a great experience it is to pick up your new car from the dealership. When I picked up my last car brand new it was all done in 10 minutes, there it is, thanks and goodbye, that was it. Interested to see how a different brand does it. I saw that as a Lexus Corporate client you get a Lexus Welcome Gift. Didn't think you got a gift for buying a new car - sounds interesting. If I get one, I will let you know what it is.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the above.


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My experience happen 2 weeks ago was, my car was ready in the showroom with a plague with your name on it. Then I was given a coffee and also time to find up the balance of paperwork. Then a delivery service person will show you all the features of the car (by that time I don't really care, as I want to drive the car now!), she kindly explain everything to me and also setup the phone for me, just a click of a button all your contacts will be downloaded to the car system. After that they gave me a big bunch of flowers and a bottle of white wine. This were all given without asking. Perhaps someone else have a better one then mine but I am happy with it.

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I understand the programming of your automated garage door to your remote key is a US feature only#. I could be wrong, but you can ask your dealer, but Im pretty confident that we can't do that in Oz. Also re. your phone, I know the 'techies' at my dealership are often helping clients with the phone/bluetooth set-up, so again give them plenty of time and get them onto that as soon as you arrive.

# - the other one is low tyre pressure sensors - another US feature only. Not sure why we in Oz don't get these 'radio emitting features' - might be a legal thing.

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Sounds exciting! Even if you don't get your setting changed up front, you can rock up at anytime and they will change it for you for free, only takes two minutes. Look through your manual once you get it, at all the options available, decide how you want your car set up and come back. Or just read through it while you're having your coffee at the dealership and have it changed then :)

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Great, thanks for your responses. Just wasn't sure if there were any must haves before I left the dealership so I will have a look through the manual and see what I want for next time I go in.

Thanks very much.

Bummer about the US only settings!

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these are from my 06 IS250 manual, i dont think much would have changed but its at least some kind of guide before you get there.




hope it provides some insight to what can be done.

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Shift link lock & unlock is a good feature that needs setting. You can set it yourself or the dealer can do it.

The rest are all personal preference.

For example I like all doors unlock. That is when I touch the drivers door, all doors unlock. However for personal safety some people prefer the other 3 doors to stay locked. Less chance of unwanted persons jumping in the passenger side.

One thing the dealer can do for you is activate the windows & sunroof to go up & down from the remote. Its not active from factory but is a handy option. Especially with the run of hot weather in Perth jusrt gone.

Thats all I can think of until my coffee kicks in.

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Thanks everyone.

Picked up the car and love it.

At the dealership we were in a bit of a hurry as we had to wait for a little bit to see the rep so we just put the contacts in the car and synced the phone. Changed the door lock to all doors unlock and then he just showed me how to set the voice activations etc for the phone and how to dim and light up the dash / tacho / speedo etc.

We were told to just drive it how we would normally drive - no 1000km take it easy etc - and give it a bit every now and again to loosen it up. Apparently the car will respond to how we treat it so if we just poodle along, thats all the car will do. If we loosen it up, the car will liven up!!!

We were then spoilt with a visit from the MD who gave us a 3 tier box of champagne, glasses, chocolates and other assorted nibblies etc and a voucher to spend on a home entertainment package.

And of course the car was beautifully presented in the cube, ready for me to drive away.

Will get on to reading the manual and working out what settings I want but thanks for your input.

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We were then spoilt with a visit from the MD who gave us a 3 tier box of champagne, glasses, chocolates and other assorted nibblies etc and a voucher to spend on a home entertainment package.

Yeah love that 3 tier box :) Got the same when I got my car there. Perth Lexus is great.

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Thanks everyone.

Picked up the car and love it.

We were then spoilt with a visit from the MD who gave us a 3 tier box of champagne, glasses, chocolates and other assorted nibblies etc and a voucher to spend on a home entertainment package.

And of course the car was beautifully presented in the cube, ready for me to drive away.

Certainly worth buying from your local dealer.

Great to hear.

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