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Hi guys,

Not sure if I should have revived a 2 year old post, so I thought I might create a thread.

Does anyone have any experience with a dead-ish touch screen and can advise what I should do?

Touch screen suddenly stopped working, now stuck on the "I Agree" screen. From what I know, the touch screen isn't completely dead - if you touch the physical menu button, and you hit almost anywhere, chances are, it will "touch" screen setup. No matter which part of the screen you touch, it will either not respond, or hit that particular location.

I think my options are:

1. Buy an aftermarket screen from eBay. Probably the cheapest option but not sure how well they work so I'd appreciate it if someone's done this before and can answer a few questions

2. Go to Lexus for a refurb replacement unit, currently an estimated wait time of 6-8 weeks, for a cost of $950.

3. Go to Ramspeed for the repair. Cost of $800.

4. Contacting a company called NaviPlus. Awaiting quotes.


Any other suggestions or advice?




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Thanks. A bunch of Danny's came up when searching members...

Unfortunately, none of them have visited the forum for the last 2 years. Any way of contacting him?

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i would just do the rounds at all the local wreckers, surely one of them will have an is250\350 with a working touch screen. i know there are some on ebay from time to time

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13 hours ago, water said:

Thanks. So pissed off atm. Those 4 vent clips, only the left one pops down. The other three spring back up immediately like a Lil bitch! Can't get the vent out argh!

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in my years modding car interiors, patience is the one skill you need most, especially with those tiny little tabs and screws. you dont know mad until you drop a screw into a tiny crack in your car :(

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On 02/09/2016 at 3:36 PM, st87 said:

Thanks. A bunch of Danny's came up when searching members...

Unfortunately, none of them have visited the forum for the last 2 years. Any way of contacting him?




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On 03/09/2016 at 3:20 PM, water said:

in my years modding car interiors, patience is the one skill you need most, especially with those tiny little tabs and screws. you dont know mad until you drop a screw into a tiny crack in your car :(

Unfortunately, this is not a trait that I've developed over the years so far. =)

UPDATE: I've done enough additional damage just by removing the vent. Turns out, the other three clips were busted. It should have a mechanism to clip onto something when you flip them down. That edge on the three were gone, hence why they sprung back up immediately.

After taken the navi unit out, and removing the face plate with maximum effort, I see how delicate the job is. With nothing to lose, I've tried that repair guide using solder instead of the circuit writer (curiously, I couldn't find my conductive pen until AFTER the fact. Story of my life). Needless to say, I didn't make any positive progress.

I decided to call it quits. The quote I received from NaviPlus was $200 for the panel, plus $300 labour for their rep in Sydney. Not a bad price, so I decided to stop risking additional damage while I'm still ahead.

While reassembling the unit, I must have done something to the cable for the AUX input - the sound is muffled, almost non-existent, and just... weird. I'll get the guy to let me know when he's taken the unit out so that I can inspect the connections and wiring. I'm not taking that thing out again. Who knows what other mishaps will come.

Anyhow, negative nancy aside, I should be able to have it all fixed up by this coming Wednesday, so I'm really happy about that. At least the guy runs a mobile service so I don't need to take time off from work.


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On 7 September 2016 at 2:40 AM, RotorRian said:

Sorry for the late response.

I've done a few now buying the $50 digitizers from ebay. Work like a charm but a bit of a pain in the arse getting the things in and out of the car.

Damn… I wish you told me that earlier lol!


On 7 September 2016 at 7:23 PM, water said:

all fixed now?

Yes, all done yesterday. Price plus labour totalled $500. It's okay I guess…. better than $950 from Lexus from a refurb model.

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