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Hello all,

             Ive just done a 150,000k service on my 2007 is250, the spark plug change being the most challenging to say the least. After reading a number of topics on carbon buildup i was contemplating having a go at using seafoam. Ive read some older posts about the pros and cons but thought there might be some newer thoughts on the subject. My car doesn't appear at this stage to be suffering from it, could be because the last six years and 60000k ive used a decent fuel, being v power. If it is worth doing do i get the can of seafoam with the straw and flexible joint and stick it in the throttle body and spray away? Many thanks


Don't waste your money seafoam does not clean the port carbon build, up just give it a good flogging every now and then


Im assuming you mean give the car a flogging lol


A few years ago i changed the spark plugs on my uncles IS250. While i had the inlet manifold off i used the Liquimoly equivalent of SeaFoam to clean as much of the gunk off the inlet tracks and valves as i could. It did a very good job - certainly worth doing while the manifold was off.

Close up of inlet ports - partially cleaned_3.jpg

Close up of inlet ports - partially cleaned.jpg

Old vs New_2.jpg

Engine cover off.jpg

Inlet Manifold Off_3.jpg


ive heard that liquid molly is good, looks like i won't be doing either since they recommend spark plug change after using it. I just changed my plugs the other day. Guess ill wait another 150000 k then try it lol

1 hour ago, wato said:

ive heard that liquid molly is good, looks like i won't be doing either since they recommend spark plug change after using it. I just changed my plugs the other day. Guess ill wait another 150000 k then try it lol

Just find a vacuum line on the inlet manifold and spray it in that way while the engine is running - its better than nothing. With my previous car (VW Golf R) i used to do this every 5,000km before an oil change to try and help keep carbon buildup to a minimum (#directinjectionlyfe)


An update on my seafoam saga. So i tried seafoam in my daughters 1999 mx5, by using the spray can version. I undid the big pipe that goes from the air cleaner to the throttle intake at the throttle intake itself and placed the thin spray tube connected to the seafoam can inside leaving about half inch clearance from the flap, then reconnected the pipe. With engine at running temp and at 1500rpm i started spraying, took about 5 minutes to empty the can, turned off the engine, removed the thin spray tube, tightened the pipe up and waited 15 minutes. Then stared it up. Well what a great smoke show it was. i revved the old mazda engine for about a minute. To make matters worse there was no wind and it looked like a heavy fog had enveloped a radius of 50 metres, i could hardly see my hand in front of my face. Cars were stopping to see what had happened and i was waiting for the police and fire dept to turn up. I jumped in the car and took off up the street looking like james bond had just turned on his smoke screen. After 30 seconds smoke was gone. Post mortem: Car starts easier, definitely takes off smoother, runs quieter , idles better. Didn't effect spark plugs either. I followed the cans instructions to the letter. Just thought id give my two bobs worth on the stuff. Cheers!


Just like WATO I have done similar in the past on VW R32 and Audi S3.

Seemed to do no harm and certainly gave an effect of better running even if not much was done, didnt take any before or after shots 😃

BTW Subaru intake cleaner is seafoam in a diff can.

I have done it both ways.

1. In a vac line

2. In the intake.

  • 1 year later...

Has anyone used the straight to gas tank version of sea foam? I already know the smoke is it doing its job but no one posted about this method.

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