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My DEC '07 IS250 prestige with EMV pack has been a total nightmare. I started experiencing problems within the first week of owning it. It has had the following issues;



- The vehicle veers from side to side upon application of brakes.

Audio System

- The audio system cuts out, CD continues to play but no sound. Car needs to be restarted.

Key Detection

- Both original and spare are frequently 'undetected', multiple attempts necessary.


- Jams, though no physical problems. Jammed on highway between towns, it began to rain. i spent 3 hours under a tree in a town i can only call 'hick-ville'.


- Steering wheel out of line. Must be held on an angle to drive straight (not wheel alignment related).

Reversing Camera

- Cuts out, just displays a black screen (doesnt display parking type icons, so it isnt the image. its the screen/software itself).

Dash / Console

- Panels beginning to separate and gaps are forming - slowly but surely increasing in size.

EMV screen

- Messages and prompts appear for milliseconds only. Voice has changed accents, prompts only partially read aloud.


Vehicle has been inspected by lexus 12 times, not one of these issues has been fixed. the car is returned to me with the report saying "could not find issue, did wheel alignment, car is ok" though the dealership staff have experienced these issues. my last resort was contacting corporate. Their answer - "take it back to the dealership", its like this big circle. I've asked for a refund though i was refused. I asked for a replacement car though i was refused. Corporate just talk about their commitment to acting under the lexus warranty.

The car has had 4 or 5 wheel alignments.

Their answer for the handling issue was my aftermarket rims (fitted by lexus BEFORE i bought the car). After much deliberation, they agreed to take back the wheels and replace with Genuine Lexus rims. As i anticipated, the problem did not go away. It had nothing to do with my aftermarket rims.

I was told by a lexus staff member "Brent, you definitely have a lemon".

The steering and handling issue caused an accident 2 months ago. Upon braking my vehicle veered to the side, I then hit a car upon correcting it. My insurance company launched a full investigation, including flying up Melbourne forensic police investigators. I should mention 2 months later, I still dont have my car back.

I just have no idea on what to do. One woman on here with the topic "is250 quality" received a refund.

Any suggestions?

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I think if all these issues are real (not saying you're lying), then Lexus should replace the car with a new one mate.

To be honest with you the is250 is an exceptional car mechanically, and this was what i bought it for.

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Jeez Brent that's harsh.

I've had nothing but joy from mine. Had it for 12 months and have only needed some adjustment to sensitivity of auto headlights, and get really pissed off with brake dust.

Seems to put my problems into perspective.

Good luck with a resolution, but sounds like a replacement is in order.

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Still a pup as far as ownership goes, seeing how I've only had my IS for about two months. There is the odd squeak that happens once in a while though I've not been able to locate it. Otherwise it's brake dust. Everything else works a charm.


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Brent - terribly sorry for your grief. I am staggered at those issues, and even more staggered at Lexus' response. Iam assuming you bought new - the reason I ask is because your steering and handling issues sound to me like the vehicle has been in a major accident and the 'tracking' of the vehicle is irreversibly damaged, which a wheel alignment wont fix. Also the fact that the panel are moving, also indicates its suffered a major shock and there might be a deep-seated electrical short-circuit somewhere explaining the other problems. Otherwise, I dont know really what to say...

Before I bought my is250, I checked many forums, blogs and articles on reliability and quality. And in this class, the is250 was above any of its competitors by a fair way. Benz, BMW, Audi and Alfa have more issues with their vehicles than Lexus does in this class of vehicle. No car is perfect, and whilst a 3-series, C-class, 159 and A4 will have a higher ratio of problems per vehicle, your situation is totally unacceptable and inexcusable!

Admittedly, mine is not perfect either but only had problems with buzzing rear parcel shelf (fixed by dealer), squeaky drivers seat (fixed by dealer) and slight sunroof creak (which was allegedly fixed by dealer, but not to my satisifaction). At least my issues are trivial and dont affect the driveability of my vehicle (unlike yourself).

I will be updating my vehicle in 2009, and probably still will go with an is250 again. sadly, I dont think you will be!

I would keep hounding Lexus Australia. I would even involve your State's Consumer Affairs Department. Get a second opinion - call another Lexus dealer. The other option is (although they are trying to delineate as much as possible), is to speak to the parent company Toyota and even the old threat of legal action never hurt.

Good luck Brent.

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Brent, another minor issue which is apparent in the IS is the vibration of the rear view mirror.

Mine has it but i can live with it, however does any know the fix for this?

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Brent, another minor issue which is apparent in the IS is the vibration of the rear view mirror.

Mine has it but i can live with it, however does any know the fix for this?

Hi there,

Yes mine rattles too... but only when the bass is up :P

Aside from that, my car is a total piece of *BLEEP*.

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Brent - terribly sorry for your grief. I am staggered at those issues, and even more staggered at Lexus' response. Iam assuming you bought new - the reason I ask is because your steering and handling issues sound to me like the vehicle has been in a major accident and the 'tracking' of the vehicle is irreversibly damaged, which a wheel alignment wont fix. Also the fact that the panel are moving, also indicates its suffered a major shock and there might be a deep-seated electrical short-circuit somewhere explaining the other problems. Otherwise, I dont know really what to say...

Before I bought my is250, I checked many forums, blogs and articles on reliability and quality. And in this class, the is250 was above any of its competitors by a fair way. Benz, BMW, Audi and Alfa have more issues with their vehicles than Lexus does in this class of vehicle. No car is perfect, and whilst a 3-series, C-class, 159 and A4 will have a higher ratio of problems per vehicle, your situation is totally unacceptable and inexcusable!

Admittedly, mine is not perfect either but only had problems with buzzing rear parcel shelf (fixed by dealer), squeaky drivers seat (fixed by dealer) and slight sunroof creak (which was allegedly fixed by dealer, but not to my satisifaction). At least my issues are trivial and dont affect the driveability of my vehicle (unlike yourself).

I will be updating my vehicle in 2009, and probably still will go with an is250 again. sadly, I dont think you will be!

I would keep hounding Lexus Australia. I would even involve your State's Consumer Affairs Department. Get a second opinion - call another Lexus dealer. The other option is (although they are trying to delineate as much as possible), is to speak to the parent company Toyota and even the old threat of legal action never hurt.

Good luck Brent.

Hi Sapphire,

Thanks for your advice, though i have tried all of those! I contacted consumer affairs, they told me I am entitled to a refund as the product does not 'do the job it is intended to do'. I called the dealership and corporate, but they both insisted all they are required to do is assist me under the warranty agreement. The legal path looks like my next option.. Alternatively, Tracy Grimshaw of ACA can be quite persuasive.

The issue is more than just the car faults, the dealership and corporate seem almost as if they dont want to assist. They are just doing it because 'they have to'.

To make matters worse, after speaking with a vehicle repairer it sounds as if my airbags should have been deployed in the collision - but they weren't. Could this be another fault with the car? I had an accident 2 years ago and my right leg was severely injured. I bought the IS250 because of the knee airbags. The knee airbags that didn't go off when my knees hit the dash in May.

I think i will continue to take the car to the dealership until EVERYTHING is 100% to my satisfaction, I anticipate the dealership will give up soon - it has been inspected 11 times already. 25th time's a charm!

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Brent - terribly sorry for your grief. I am staggered at those issues, and even more staggered at Lexus' response. Iam assuming you bought new - the reason I ask is because your steering and handling issues sound to me like the vehicle has been in a major accident and the 'tracking' of the vehicle is irreversibly damaged, which a wheel alignment wont fix. Also the fact that the panel are moving, also indicates its suffered a major shock and there might be a deep-seated electrical short-circuit somewhere explaining the other problems. Otherwise, I dont know really what to say...

Before I bought my is250, I checked many forums, blogs and articles on reliability and quality. And in this class, the is250 was above any of its competitors by a fair way. Benz, BMW, Audi and Alfa have more issues with their vehicles than Lexus does in this class of vehicle. No car is perfect, and whilst a 3-series, C-class, 159 and A4 will have a higher ratio of problems per vehicle, your situation is totally unacceptable and inexcusable!

Admittedly, mine is not perfect either but only had problems with buzzing rear parcel shelf (fixed by dealer), squeaky drivers seat (fixed by dealer) and slight sunroof creak (which was allegedly fixed by dealer, but not to my satisifaction). At least my issues are trivial and dont affect the driveability of my vehicle (unlike yourself).

I will be updating my vehicle in 2009, and probably still will go with an is250 again. sadly, I dont think you will be!

I would keep hounding Lexus Australia. I would even involve your State's Consumer Affairs Department. Get a second opinion - call another Lexus dealer. The other option is (although they are trying to delineate as much as possible), is to speak to the parent company Toyota and even the old threat of legal action never hurt.

Good luck Brent.

I forgot to add, as for your remark on the vehicle being crashed - i too thought that. My vehicle wasnt second hand, it was purchased from the dealership, but it had been driven prior to my purchasing it. I asked the dealership, they said in writing that the car had in fact NOT been in any kind of crash / collision.

Let's just hope they are telling the truth.

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Brent - if you get an independent mechanic to do an inspection of the car, they should be able to tell immediately if there was an accident. I use Melbourne Auto Check (about $160) - write a comprehensive 10 page report, compression test on the engine etc. who even use a machine to measure the thickness of the duco on every panel. The only thing I could think of is if the vehicle was pranged before you took 'delivery' of the vehicle, but that seems almost implausable (although not impossible).

I bought ex.demo and got a 3 hr look over by the independent mechanic (who in fact drives a Lexus himself!) - got the all clear, and my car is running perfectly (minor those slight little niggles I mentioned above). The dealership said they simply do not sell vehicles involved in any collision involving work to panels.

Other advice to you - would be to log all your dealer visits. A mechanics report might add weight to it. I know in Victoria you could take such a claim to VCAT (Civil and Adminsitrative Tribunal) under the Fair Traiding Act for a ~$200 fee and get a magistrate to deal with the issue. I'm sure other States have the same set-up.

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This is a disaster to hear. I think Lexus has ALOT more to loose if you go to ACA, warn them or Corporate and have this settled before going to ACA.

Man this doesn't sound like Lexus or be that Toyota, cos they are rich if you know what i mean.

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Brent - if you get an independent mechanic to do an inspection of the car, they should be able to tell immediately if there was an accident. I use Melbourne Auto Check (about $160) - write a comprehensive 10 page report, compression test on the engine etc. who even use a machine to measure the thickness of the duco on every panel. The only thing I could think of is if the vehicle was pranged before you took 'delivery' of the vehicle, but that seems almost implausable (although not impossible).

I bought ex.demo and got a 3 hr look over by the independent mechanic (who in fact drives a Lexus himself!) - got the all clear, and my car is running perfectly (minor those slight little niggles I mentioned above). The dealership said they simply do not sell vehicles involved in any collision involving work to panels.

Other advice to you - would be to log all your dealer visits. A mechanics report might add weight to it. I know in Victoria you could take such a claim to VCAT (Civil and Adminsitrative Tribunal) under the Fair Traiding Act for a ~$200 fee and get a magistrate to deal with the issue. I'm sure other States have the same set-up.

Hi Sapphire,

One step ahead of you. I've had 4 independent assessments. One from a suspension specialist to determine the handling issue, they determined (with advanced testing technology) that the suspension arms / bushes were 'soft' and gave way upon applying the brakes, which resulted in unexpected veering.

Lexus immediately rejected this assessment, claiming it was incorrect. Lexus of Townsville's answer was my 18" aftermarket rims, though Lexus of Cairns refused to accept that this was the cause. I paid for multiple assessments from a tyre and wheel expert, who determined the aftermarket rims were not the cause. Lexus of Townsville then informed me it 'could' be the tyres. I revisited the wheel and tyre expert, they confirmed the tyres were NOT the cause.

Lexus of townsville still insisted the wheels and or tyres were the cause. So after a long winded battle with Lexus of Cairns, they took back the 18" aftermarket wheels and replaced them with genuine lexus wheels, as per Lexus of Townsvilles instructions. Not to my surprise, this did not fix it.

Then came the accident. So now when i get the car back, i get to go through the same process. im sure now they'll just blame the crash. fun fun.

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Brent, real sorry to hear what's happened to you. I've got an Oct 07 built car and I can't think of anything that I could fault on mine that could be considered a fault.

DEMAND resolution from your dealer. Let them know there is no way you'll accept anything but total satisfaction, and that you're prepared to do whatever it takes to obtain it.

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Brent, real sorry to hear what's happened to you. I've got an Oct 07 built car and I can't think of anything that I could fault on mine that could be considered a fault.

DEMAND resolution from your dealer. Let them know there is no way you'll accept anything but total satisfaction, and that you're prepared to do whatever it takes to obtain it.

Thanks Last1. I think i've been too nice, at one point, i even apologised for complaining so much. How much of an idiot was I for doing that?!

I paid a lot for this car and it is faulty. F**k 'em! Time i got angry.

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