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I am the proud new owner of a IS250. Generally I am satisfied with the car with the exception of the audio system. My speakers appear to have a buzz. i have tried various things such as turning down the base.

I am seriously considering installing a kick ass stereo sytem.

I would like to know if any forum members have gone down this pathh and whether they have any advice.

Any comments would be much appreciated.

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A buzz could be alot of things primarly engine noise, amps on the way out head unit playing up, blown speakers dont usually buzz they crackle and pop or seize in the coil all together.,,,

Work out is it all speakers or one,

I have ML 14 and to be honest I have worked at strathfield car radios for 2 years selling installations and would be hard pressed to find a better speaker set up.

The only comment is you can have bigger sub as the factory although great lacks the lower end drive and volume.

Over and out.

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I am the proud new owner of a IS250. Generally I am satisfied with the car with the exception of the audio system. My speakers appear to have a buzz. i have tried various things such as turning down the base.

I am seriously considering installing a kick ass stereo sytem.

I would like to know if any forum members have gone down this pathh and whether they have any advice.

Any comments would be much appreciated.

Get the system looked at by a pro audio shop or Lexus directly.

The Mark Levinson 14-speaker audio system is a treat to listen to so I wouldn't touch it at all unless you're after bigger "bang" from the whole set but the sound clarity is very good. If you have 13 speaker system (Pioneer I believe, but may be wrong) - still sounds OK. Either way - get it looked at by someone who knows what they're doing, otherwise you may be spending money on a new system when it is not required. The buzzing noise may come from different sources.

Let us know how you go anyway.

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Does the buzz get louder as you rev the engine? That could indicate some interference with an engine component etc.

Also check the speaker grill or surrounding trim as they could have come loose especially if you have those speakers pumped.

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Get your dealer to look at it, shouldnt happen. Probably some sort of earthing problem. You'd still get that with an aftermarket stereo. Having said that, the way they make cars these days, it is extremely hard to fir an aftermarket stereo into the dash nowadays. I've seen some people do it in an IS250, and it looks horrible. I've seen some guy remove the centre air vents and install his strereo in that. Looks like cr@p.

It doesn't happen to be a buzzing noise coming out of the trim does it? I have a minor problem with that which I'm gonna get looked at next service, but it appears like a piece of trim has gotten slightly loose and buzzes with bass sometimes. Perhaps that's what you've got.

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