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Speed & Red Light Camera All-In-One


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And they are bringing 5 LFAs over here lol, not to mention making HSVs and FVPs more powerful...what's the damn point of driving let along driving a fast car with these traps.

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I find overspeed was an issue in the IS. Becos it is so smooth and quiet, i'm constantly thinking and feeling i'm going 60 when it's actually 80.

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I find overspeed was an issue in the IS. Becos it is so smooth and quiet, i'm constantly thinking and feeling i'm going 60 when it's actually 80.

That is correct. I went on holidays with family and when I was driving 160 km/h for about 5 minutes straight, my partner actually said she didn't believe the car was going that fast, it is so smooth and quiet. I absolutely love Lexus for making such a sweet ride.

Important matter as well - what about the "clever" camera detectors? Do they work? Which one is a good one to buy? Is it like software piracy and antipiracy actions. Is one new camera invisible to those detectors? Does anyone know anything about the subject? I'm referring to the fixed on intersection and mobile (unmarked cars) cameras.

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I find overspeed was an issue in the IS. Becos it is so smooth and quiet, i'm constantly thinking and feeling i'm going 60 when it's actually 80.

That's very true. I tend to have the "Gear Indicator" mode on the display to I know what gear it's in.

However in a way, I kinda got use to the feel of the car (Daily driver)

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Im in Melbourne - and we've had them for years, and nearly caused me to have an accident last week. Had someone right up my tail approaching an intersection with this type of camera. I was doing just under 70km/h in a 70 zone (wary of the camera ahead), Then the light turns amber. Either I speed up to get through on amber and get fined, I stay at the same speed and run the risk of entering on the red (fine), or I slam on the brakes and nearly get a Commodore kissing my back seat! Chose the latter and heard the 'squelch of fear' behind me - fortunately he pulled up in time.

Sometimes the cameras cause more danger on the road than they're meant to alleviate.

Word of warning - if you are already in the intersection waiting to turn right with one of these cameras (ie. blacked out arrow), and the light turns red, you have 1.7 seconds to complete your turn, otherwise you're deemed to have entered on the red (and fined), even though you may've been sitting there for 30 seconds waiting for the light to go red to make your turn. Too bad if traffic travelling in the other direction runs the red and holds you up!

Another example of idealistic bureaucrats with too much thinking time working at VicRoads, RTA etc.

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Im in Melbourne - and we've had them for years, and nearly caused me to have an accident last week. Had someone right up my tail approaching an intersection with this type of camera. I was doing just under 70km/h in a 70 zone (wary of the camera ahead), Then the light turns amber. Either I speed up to get through on amber and get fined, I stay at the same speed and run the risk of entering on the red (fine), or I slam on the brakes and nearly get a Commodore kissing my back seat! Chose the latter and heard the 'squelch of fear' behind me - fortunately he pulled up in time.

Sometimes the cameras cause more danger on the road than they're meant to alleviate.

We all have our opinions and rights to write them here and I have to say in your particular case - the cameras haven't got much to do with it. Yes they are there and they are there for safety. Sometimes they work / "serve the community" in a weird way but they are designed to keep us safe (no, not only to catch us speeding or driving like idiots through a red light). You can't blame a camera on the intersection because some random driver was tailing you in a nasty way. I know exactly what you mean and it frustrates the hell out of me too when someone in their $5k is driving like they don't care and putting your little pride and joy in dangerous situation. Of course - some people panic when they see a camera and do funny things, which cause accidents too but it is up to drivers to keep the safe distance. You can always write a letter to the local authorities if you get a fine explaining the situation and see what the outcome would be, since there are exceptions from rules but it is a gamble.

My suggestion to you - next time you get an idiot like that - try pressing and releasing the brake pedal very softly so that the stop lights flash but the car doesn't slow down drastically. This way the guy behind (if he/she is smart enough, or he/she is not a P-plater LOL) would see something is wrong and start slowing down carefully or simply go mad and slam the brakes and start waving their hands like it is the end of the world. Works every time.

Anyway, my 5c worth on the subject.

Drive carefully and watch for other people like these (and something else I hate and not tolerate at all - people not using indicators).

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