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Had A Look At A Harrier Today

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There is a guy down the road from me selling his Toyota Harrier (Lexus RX330). He had originally imported this from Japan so hence the Harrier bits and pieces.

The main issue I have with the car is that the navigation unit is all in Japanese. Hence the GPS is in Japanese, bluetooth (yes on a 2003) is in Japanese, TV is in Japanese (wrong signal), buttons for the whole nav unit (except for a few here and there) and in Japanese.

How hard is it going to be to convert from Japanese to English? Will I need a new screen? Will I just need a software update? Is it just going to be a different disc? The buttons to change menus I can live with, but it's more the touch screen functions that are a problem.

Additionally the radio, as it is Japanese, is a different source code here in Australia, so I would have to get a different unit. That bit is not overly hard to do, so it's the least of my concerns.

Anyone know anybody that has done this? Was it a pain? Should I not bother and just buy a locally delivered one?


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On my Benz the languages etc are all configurable from the service menu. With any luck, the same may be true of the Harrier. Why don't you have a talk to the service department at Lexus of Perth - they're not too bad to deal with. (Though they do delight in parting you from your money :) )

The other thing to think of is that the Harrier may or may not have different engine / transmission part so if something goes wrong it could be expensive and involve a long wait to get it fixed.

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