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hey guys

well on sat night me and my mum went out to meet my mums friend at the resturant she runs in the city (sydney)

we were on george st and turned into liverpool st, and then right into kent st

then some STUPID ########### decide to just stroll onto the road, so my mum had to "dodge" them, oh and did i mention it rained that night?!

the car swerved and the rear passenger side hit a parked mitsubishi magna (lucky it wasnt a ferrari) the rear 3 quarter panel, rear passenger side door are damaged

called AAMI and its gonna get towed on tuesday i think, i dont have the full details

i did notice tho the car started to beep and tried to correct itself, but it was tooo slippery and couldnt



are they freakin retarded, just before the crash, on liverpool st we had to brake real hard cuz 3 more dumb c*nts were just strolling across the road like it was a bloody walkway


but its over now, i cant do anything bout it, just wish it would get fixed soon

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hey guys

well on sat night me and my mum went out to meet my mums friend at the resturant she runs in the city (sydney)

we were on george st and turned into liverpool st, and then right into kent st

then some STUPID ########### decide to just stroll onto the road, so my mum had to "dodge" them, oh and did i mention it rained that night?!

the car swerved and the rear passenger side hit a parked mitsubishi magna (lucky it wasnt a ferrari) the rear 3 quarter panel, rear passenger side door are damaged

called AAMI and its gonna get towed on tuesday i think, i dont have the full details

i did notice tho the car started to beep and tried to correct itself, but it was tooo slippery and couldnt



are they freakin retarded, just before the crash, on liverpool st we had to brake real hard cuz 3 more dumb c*nts were just strolling across the road like it was a bloody walkway


but its over now, i cant do anything bout it, just wish it would get fixed soon

nice that you edited your post for the bad language, but sadly my email still showed it and this, which displayed a rather unsavoury side to your character I thought.

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best to let those kinda things go mate

to protect the forum and individuals

Agreed! It's unfortunate what happened to your car; that's what insurance is for. I guess you're lucky that you hit a car and not the guys walking across the road.

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yeh, that was also lucky, if the car wasnt there ppl would have been the ones hit, not that magna

but its over now it guess

i had the car for 1 and a half weeks

my mums never been in a crash before in the RX330, or the 325CI

im over it now, just want the car fixed and drivable again

will post back when they fix it, and where their fixing it

oh and also, at that exact moment i was so pissed off thats why i called my friends and all that, but its over, im normally not like that

but cuz of them i did ruin a car i only have for 1.5 weeks

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yeh, that was also lucky, if the car wasnt there ppl would have been the ones hit, not that magna

but its over now it guess

i had the car for 1 and a half weeks

my mums never been in a crash before in the RX330, or the 325CI

im over it now, just want the car fixed and drivable again

will post back when they fix it, and where their fixing it

oh and also, at that exact moment i was so pissed off thats why i called my friends and all that, but its over, im normally not like that

but cuz of them i did ruin a car i only have for 1.5 weeks

where u driving at the time?

or your mum.

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anyway. unlucky dude. most of the time these things that happen cant be helped. its a biatch.

but hey thats life and thats what insurance is for as frankyX said.

I lost a whole IS200 due to some one elses stupidity once (write off). you think what happen to you is bad. try going home without your car. now that was depressing!!

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oh man, sorry to hear bout that

wow that would suck so bad (ur car being written off)

and my mum was driving

the tow trucks coming right now, in like 15mins

i'll update with wat their gonna fix and how, where their fixing it and how long its gonna take

im feeling alot better now, forza 3 with xbox live RULES!!!

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oh man, sorry to hear bout that

wow that would suck so bad (ur car being written off)

and my mum was driving

the tow trucks coming right now, in like 15mins

i'll update with wat their gonna fix and how, where their fixing it and how long its gonna take

im feeling alot better now, forza 3 with xbox live RULES!!!

I had my car parked in the street and watched from across the road as a girl driving a golf drove straight into the back of it and wrote it off.

that was a pretty happy day.....NOT.

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best to let those kinda things go mate

to protect the forum and individuals

Agreed! It's unfortunate what happened to your car; that's what insurance is for. I guess you're lucky that you hit a car and not the guys walking across the road.

that is what insurance is for :-) but you shouldn't have to claim on stupid stuff like this! as harsh as it sounds some of these morons deserve to get run over just so they can learn!

you go to a country like singapore where jaywalking is illegal and highly policed and you think its over the top but then an incident like this is exactly the reason why it should be policed!

the amount of times i've had to stop on a green light in the city because a bunch of people decide to cross on red (for them!) and then like sheep everyone else follows...... what can u do, u have no choice but to stop!

sorry to hear and i hope your repairs are done properly! hate to be the one to say this but you really should insure with another insurer. all my friends and i have at some point been a victim of shoddy repairs as you DO NOT get a choice of repairer with AAMI and only a small handful of repairers are lexus approved repairers! it ended up with us getting too tired going back and forth and just settled and couldn't be bothered chasing them up any more and being without a car as they only provide a hire in the first 14 days only!

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yeh, ive heard stuff about AAMI,

could u reccomend another insurer??

i got quotes from alot of em (allianz, justcar, youi, gio)

but my mum wanted to just stay with AAMI cuz we were with em for ages, they also said my mum wont have to pay any extra cuz she was a sfae drier thingy, and the first ever claim

the panel was crushed pretty bad, so i dont think they can just bend it back or anything, i think their gonna have to get whole new rear passanger door, and C Pillar, the rear bumper was bent slighty, but even i could just bend that back and just use some touch up paint

i hope they dont stuff up the colour tho, is the Lexus Graphite colour hard to match??

oh, and i got a call saying it arrive at (forgot the name) to get inspected and assessed and they'll call us back when their done and they send it to the repairer

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yeh, ive heard stuff about AAMI,

could u reccomend another insurer??

i got quotes from alot of em (allianz, justcar, youi, gio)

but my mum wanted to just stay with AAMI cuz we were with em for ages, they also said my mum wont have to pay any extra cuz she was a sfae drier thingy, and the first ever claim

the panel was crushed pretty bad, so i dont think they can just bend it back or anything, i think their gonna have to get whole new rear passanger door, and C Pillar, the rear bumper was bent slighty, but even i could just bend that back and just use some touch up paint

i hope they dont stuff up the colour tho, is the Lexus Graphite colour hard to match??

oh, and i got a call saying it arrive at (forgot the name) to get inspected and assessed and they'll call us back when their done and they send it to the repairer

i'm with NRMA and have never had any drama, although the bigger insurance companies are all pretty on par! they may cost a little more but it won't seem like it when something goes wrong and you need to claim.

just car insurance is worse than AAMI and are pretty much AAMI anyway! def don't insure your lexus there. just do your research and stick with a company that insures your vehicle for an agreed value and gives you a choice of repairer. your mums no claim bonus will remain intact even if she moves to another company. when you do transfer opt to pay to protect her no claim discount and it won't matter if you claim again later on. not sure how long it is but after a certain amount of years without incident you'll have maximum no claim bonus for life anyway!

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the car is now at Artarmon Northshore Classic Auto Body Centre

i checked and its a lexus approved place, and i feel better now knowing its in safe hands, LOL

they said it should be done around the 23rd!!

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