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Posts posted by ilv1004s

  1. you dont need a fat wallet for HID. like. . . . ive got them lol

    No you don't but i wasn't just referring to HIDs.

    lol dude im just gonna have to say this lol

    your *BLEEP*ed lol

    where does stick to oem specs relate to fat wallet?

    Im not personally attacking??? rofl get serious dude we can all sense your attacks

    come on dude be consistant with your opinions and views

    having your view is great same with mine

    but when you ask for some one elese opinion and then not listening to them

    whats the point?

  2. lol justin

    im consistant with my view :D

    stick with OEM hahaha

    ...as with me, i don't get sway by others, i have my own views and i don't sit on fences.

    don't know about sticking with OEM when yah modding...

    i'm not blaming anyone one bit, just that after i posted i had ordered the kit, people started being non passisve in their views. My immediate reply then was information only not an attack on anyone.

    that is my reply to people being not being passive of their views

    i just told you i am being passive with my view.

    nothing about trying to sway you

    you asked for opinions

    you got them

    if this is the way your gonna act up and get all defensive

    forget it dude

    i aint contributing one bit

  3. Well If i had your wallet, do you think i not go with ... RAYS? Looks are subjective danny and people have differnt views and oppinions, what you think may look bad others might like and vice versa.

    Money and brand names unfortunately can't buy views and opinions. Go easy on people who don't have a fat wallets dude.

    lol dude i dont mod my car for your approval or anyones approval

    i do it for myself

    end of the day i drive it

    i love the way it looks it doesnt matter.

    im not saying i have a fatter wallet

    i saved up for these wheels and i will be recovering from my debts but thats how far i will go for sumthing that i desire.

    Rays? now that is a race wheel brand mate

    that goes well on a soarer lol

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