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Everything posted by ilv1004s

  1. chaning spring aint hard with those wheel specs u can go down to 2.5" or even more. the wheels wont even touch the guards my silver 250 was dropped on teins for reference look at the tein group buy sticky and i had 18x8's on that too
  2. all in the looks changing tyre profiles will upset the speedo stick to factory specs if you have oem rims but if u do wanna go 35 profile u need wider rubber to make the rolling diamteter the same ie 255/40/18 to 255/35/19 or 255/40/18 to 265/35/18 etc but on the oem 18" 255 is probably the widest you can fit they are only 18x8
  3. lol better than being clueless when it happens... but another memeber stated that when he turns on the lights it does it so it seems more than heat related more electric waves btw denis never pick up my calls I'm so cut
  4. hm.. yeah.. wat you guys recon auburn reading cinemans? or meadowbank warf.. wat do you guys recon?
  5. The guys in the states have possesed steering wheel problem. this is not a lexus fault but cuased by HID ballast being too close to the ECU/Computers and casuing them to fail Whole thread is here http://www.clublexus.com/forums/is-second-generation/494847-my-car-almost-killed-me-tonite-3.html I know a few of you guys have Aftermarket HID's just make sure they aint close to the ECU's
  6. 9" plus for a exahsut tip is never heard of unless u got a jet engine 9" is probably the barrel size. u need to cut weld wont work exhaust tips are easy enought to get out
  7. chris give it a good grease or maybe a spary of lub (WD40) or sumthing and see if it makes a diff and give the edges are good clean too
  8. Well here's a cheap 1 255/40/18 oem sports or X edition ku19 200 each for the rears read a few reviews seems good value for money I'll try them out and let u guys know
  9. well for us who have 255/40/18 (oem 18") thats a bloody rare size really expensive Dunlops are around the 600 mark for these lol Any1 got some prices that we can compare?
  10. yes it is an issue for me as i live in a rural area and i live on a 80km/h road that goes onto a 100km/h road :D and yes i overtake alot of people
  11. You're probably talking about a 3-4% difference at best. If that! The difference in engine performance due to change in ambient temperature is greater. This morning it was 14 degrees this afternoon it may hit 25 degrees, that would have a bigger effect on engine performance. Due to your super sensitive right foot I think you should change your forum name to Dyno Dan. well just normal driving around it's okay but when I redline the car definately a powerloss is felt almost feels like it's choking
  12. You're probably talking about a 3-4% difference at best. If that! The difference in engine performance due to change in ambient temperature is greater. This morning it was 14 degrees this afternoon it may hit 25 degrees, that would have a bigger effect on engine performance. Due to your super sensitive right foot I think you should change your forum name to Dyno Dan. thats pretty funny!!! Now u got ur own tag.....
  13. im thinking of meeting at a underground carpark anywayz since its gonna be nice and chilly
  14. Same as the First meet Meet and greet #2 Date:24th of april Time:3pm onwards gets dark really quick these days Location: Meadowbank Warf (river cat warf) Contact number (Danny) 0431149649 this is not a cruise just a meet up fotos chit chat wat ever :D Probably gonna meet around Rhodes or homebush/silverwater this time http://www.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=meadowbank+sydney+australia&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=38.84011,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Meadowbank+New+South+Wales,+Australia&ll=-33.820856,151.089046&spn=0.001529,0.002401&z=19&layer=c&cbll=-33.820934,151.089555&panoid=6qzc6XcfJdEG2mzL8-gN-Q&cbp=12,87.06,,0,19.48 End of Bowden Street Meadowbank
  15. filled it back up with 98 octane. feels so much better E10 is a big no no for me
  16. install is hard (cutting the bar etc needed ) shipped to your door over 1.5K
  17. Imported my GFX kit from US and fitted it on Gota say transformed the look of the car the amount of looks i get lol
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