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Hey guys.

I've got a 08/2011 Lexus IS350 F Sport - sensational car, apart from the severe dash rattle/squeak it has at times.

Have noticed this virtually since day one (early September) and have now done 7,000+ kms.

Basically, from what I can work out, if the car sits in the sun for a few hours it gets a very annoying, consistent rattle coming from the R/H side of the dash. I had the R/H outter air vent assembly replaced under warranty a few thousand kms back as it was suspected that that was what was causing the issue.

I had to drive the car for 3 hours on Boxing Day, highway driving on coarse chip bitumen and the rattle/squeak was VERY irritating.

It sounds very much like Polystyrene rubbing on itself or another similar surface. If I put downward pressure from the palm of my hand on the top of the dash (above the instrument cluster), or press the dash in below the RH outter air vent assembly, the noise will stop completely.

It isn't always present (I don't hear it driving to work when the car is cold etc) and it varies in it's severity but not consistently - sometimes is severe on residential streets, sometimes it isn't.

It appears (to me) as if something (foam/insulation/plastic materials?) is expanding in the heat and rubbing on another similar surface....?

Has anyone else with an IS experienced this?

I have the car booked back in at the dealer on Thursday for further rectification - just looking for any extra information before I make the 2.5hr drive.



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Yup, ive got the same problem. Doesn't happen quite as often as you are describing, but its exactly the same noise (almost like 2 bits of new plastic rubbing together)

Unfortunatey, i haven't got a solution. Will leave that to Lexus warranty with my next service...

only happens to me on certain roads that are quite bumpy. I find pushing clear display part of the instrument cluster panel on the RH side stops the noise. So it appears its coming from the same place on yours.

If you could let me know if yours gets rectificed after you have been to Lexus, that would be great

other than that, they are are great car.


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Cheers Richo. May be an IS350 specific issue from a certain build date? When was yours made?

I've noticed I can replicate the noise (or a very similar noise) by moving/pressing the plastic surround around the clear plastic instrument display cover. Although I'm not certain that is what the problem is - if I press on it when I hear the rattle/squeak it doesn't seem to stop it.

I don't have to be on particularly rough road for it rattle/squeak and it's usually constant on coarse chip bitumen - when the dash has warmed up of course.

Annoys the hell out of me when it's doing it!!

Will let you know how I get on at the dealer.

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all is250/350/F's had some sort of rattle issues

take it back to the dealer

and most of the times they fix it up

if it doesnt fix up with 1 visit take it back again and again untill fixed

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Only trouble with that is that my dealer is 200kms (2.5hrs) away, so makes it difficult to simply keep taking it back.

I have a Lexus Service centre here that does genuine servicing/warranty and provides a loan car and everything but they have pretty much told me to go back to the main dealer if it's going to be a 'dash out' job.

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I recon it's due to lack of insulation, if you game enough to open up the dash (vents, radio etc) put some cloth in between movable parts and see how it is.

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Just got back from the 430km round trip to the dealer.

Was rattling like crazy the whole way there and when the technician took it for a drive with me which was good.

They had a good idea of what was causing it so they put me in an IS250 loaner (they are lacking in power a bit in comparison after getting out of an IS350 lol) while they fixed it.

They applied insulating felt tape to the RH side of the instrument cluster and plastic surround - seems to have done the job!

Surround and cluster seem a bit more solid but if you push on either of them you can still get a bit of a squeak - but was silent the whole way home.

Very professional and helpful dealer, very impressed once again.

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  • 1 year later...

apologies for bring up this thread.

My 350 has the same rattle problem. I took the car to Lexus Chatswood for the fix earlier this week. They kept it for 3 days, and i picked up it yesterday.

Unfortunately, the problem is still there. The annoying bit is the instrument display or somewhere behind the steering has to be warmed up to cause the rattle. I doubt thats the reason the technician might think the rattle is fixed. I actually presented the rattling noise to one of their technician there, he said he kinda understand how to fix the rattle. I was quite happy when he said that.....But.....rattle is still there now :(

Hm......should i live with the noise or take the car back for another fix? i duuno if i am expecting too much? My car is 2011 model, to me... it should be rattle free rite?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Although you shouldnt have to - keep taking it back.

Lexus are great for claiming how quiet, refined and well built their cars are. They need to stick by that and back up their claims - or fix it!

Mine ended up going back more times than I care to remember and I was beginning to think I was being too pedantic an I ended up selling the car after having the dash removed twice.

I finally found my last annoying rattle only days before unsold it - the plastic panel directly below the steering column between that and the knee airbag panel. Was hitting/rubbing on a metal bracket/surface and stopped as soon as I popped the plastic clips out of their retainers. Came back as soon as I pushed it back in.

Packed it out where it could touch/was touching with double sided tape and pushed the panel back in and it was dead silent. Wish I found it earlier though lol!

Not sure if its the same noise you are having (I had 3 or 4 separate ones that were all relatively bad IMO) but could be something to mention/look at.

Keep going back - especially if you bought new - it's a lot of money and it should be right!

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the plastic panel directly below the steering column between that and the knee airbag panel. Was hitting/rubbing on a metal bracket/surface and stopped as soon as I popped the plastic clips out of their retainers. Came back as soon as I pushed it back in.

Thanks Ben for the info. The rattling noise i hv is somewhere inside or around the dash speedo (not underneath of the steering)

anyway....I just checked out that plastic panel. I noticed there's only one plastic clip, is that panel removable at all ? (hopefully its the same panel you're referring to) should i try to pull it out?

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My 350 F Sport has the same squeaks from the front dash and I kinda just accept it.

The last thing I want is for them to rip apart my dash and there are chances they might break other things.

Read somewhere that it's because of the high quality plastic/moldings that Lexus uses, they are less flexible than the cheapo plastic you find in budget cars and hence they don't "conform" as well when warm/expanded. Seems counter intuitive, but well...

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i had a pretty long drive today. i noticed the rattle actually is coming from the R/H of air vent. damn.... i always think its from the speedo area.

i really hate the rattling noise, its killing me. Am still not sure if i should take it back to dealer, n give it another go.

As mentioned, the rattle will only happen when the dash or whatever area is warmed. It might be a bit hard for the technician to fix.

am being an unpleased owner :(

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Keep going back to your dealer - if they don't seem interested, ring Lexus Australia and let them know that you're really disappointed and that it is no longer a pleasure to drive your car with it like that.

There's literally nothing more annoying that squeaks and rattles in such a refined interior.

My RH Air Vent was replaced under warranty, no questions when I told them there was a rattle coming from that area. I don't think that was what was causing it though.

From memory, there was a rattle around that area and it disappeared when I pressed two fingers on the bottom corners of the air vent assembly itself. Let the pressure off and it would come back again. This was a metallic type rattle.

I also had rattles that were fixed by the installation if felt tape that were coming from the A Pillar area of the dash on both sides. This was a squeak more than a rattle.

There was also a horrendous squeak coming from around the instrument cluster on hot days that sounded like two blocks of polystyrene being rubbed together constantly. This is the one I was referring to when I started this thread and could be heard with the stereo on Volume 45 - so wasn't a minor one. Was fixed by having more insulation packed around the instrument cluster and the dash itself. There's a video on YouTube of this squeak that I got on my phone. Will try and find a link.

There was also the metallic type rattle coming from the lower dash panel I described 2-3 posts ago.

And the front door rubbers and sunroof seals chattered/squeaked.

I reckon yours would likely be one of those so there's some areas you could mention to your dealer or check yourself. The more information you give them, the better chance of them being able to do something about it.

In all honesty - I just think the design of the 2IS interior is really starting to show its age and even though these are very new cars - they aren't really up to today's standards for a prestige vehicle IMO.

I'm certain the interior of the new 3IS will be much, much better in terms of fitment and quality.

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Thanks Ben to list up all different types of rattle/squeak noise.

Am now even more worry that changing the air vent won't fix the problem. As you said ->, "From memory, there was a rattle around that area and it disappeared when I pressed two fingers on the bottom corners of the air vent assembly itself. Let the pressure off and it would come back again. This was a metallic type rattle." , mine is still there regardless of how hard i put pressure on the area.

i will put up a video later on to show the rattle.

i think these rattling noises happen on most IS.

Am not sure how many owners out there are kinda accept these noises. Or they just think rattling noise is normal, and it happens on every car. (one of my mechanic fd actually said that!!) i know IS250/350 ain't >100k car, but still....at least they r classified as luxury car rite?

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Exactly, they shouldn't do it.

Being in the industry - I drive a LOT of vehicles and a lot of vehicles that are classed below Lexus and cars that are often half the price seem better put together in that respect.

Obviously you have to expect rattles/squeaks to a certain degree in any car, but I don't think the ones I experienced were at all acceptable.

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Hmmm mine didn't sound anything like that.......

Try this link:

^ that was one of mine - was traveling at about 110km/h when that was recorded. As I said, sounded like polystyrene being rubbed together.

Take it back plus show them those videos/email them to the service manager etc.

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it seems like mine is more serious. I was driving 50km/h when recording the videos.

i already emailed Chatswood Lexus, and try to organize another appointment. Hopefully they can fix the problem this time, instead of having the back and forth process. Serioulsy.......if they can't fix it eventually(touch wood), i would consider to sell the car becoz of this. Like i said, i love the IS350 so much, but i just can't live with any sort of rattle/squeak noises.

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i think you guys are way too picky in these kinda problems lol

least it aint mechanical problems of other makes

i have rattles and i just accept it

the car itself is way to quiet for it's own good

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i think you guys are way too picky in these kinda problems lol

least it aint mechanical problems of other makes

i have rattles and i just accept it

the car itself is way to quiet for it's own good

i thought you were also the one to complain the rattling noises. Are we way too picky :rolleyes: ?

but yes samsung your case is abit more than normal though

take it back

show them the video

yea....i will.

i will actually present the noise to the mechanic one more time (or maybe ask him to drive the car this time)

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