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The Remote Keyless Entry of the IS250 is definitely a handy thing to have.


- In the parking station that I use, I sometimes have to double park and I have to leave the remote on gap of the bonnet near the front windscreen. One day in a hurry to leave, I forgotten the remote was at the bonnet and I was able to start the car and off I went. Luckily for the 5KM that I travelled, the remote did not fly off. I only realised the remote was at the Bonnet when I couldn’t start the car the next time.

- In another occasion, my partner had the remote in her handbag, but I forgotten to bring mine. As she left the car, the car started to beep to remind the remote has left the car, but she rushed to catch a train and I was left stranded and unable to switch off the engine otherwise I couldn’t start the engine again.

- I didn’t switch off the engine after I parked my car in a very busy road. I did not hear the beep as I walked away because the road was very noisy. The car engine was left on for a long time.

- Sometimes it is easier to lock the car from the remote, but I have a habit now to walk to the door find that button in the dark and lock the car. A bit more exercise doesn’t hurt.

These types of mishaps happen every now and then in our modern lives and it would be naive to think it won’t happen to you. I wish my next car does not have this gimmick.

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Perhap you can hook it to your belt or hang on your neck as like a mobile phone. :lol: become part of your fashion style hehe....

So far never happen to myself yet, I already thought of this can be happen some day. I'm always touch my pocket, make sure it's

stay with me all times.

Well good lucks to you on your long run.


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I didnt know the engine would start if the key was outside the car. My understanding was that if the doors are shut the key not inside, you can't start the engine.

As for good place to put the key, i usually put it in my little coins pocket when wearing jeans. and yes always feel your pockets as you would with house keys when you go places.

You are surely lucky to now loose your remote, i would imagine buy having just one you wouldnt feel safe cos the second remote is meant to be a backup.

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Sorry to hear that Peter, but I believe that this 'smart entry' feature of the is250 could become rather ubiquitious across all cars over the next 5-10 years. Lexus was the first manufacturer to have this technology on its vehicles as standard equipment, and I think you'll see it gradually introduced throughout other manufacturers as standard equipment. I could be wrong, but I believe Nissan are looking at it, Mitsubishi are doing it in one of their Lancers I think and the Germans have it as optional equipment currently on many of their models.

The is250 09 SL now has the remote as a credit card sized, so the technology is definitely here to stay. Maybe an implanted microchip in our wrist is the way to go!!! Who knows....one day!

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I've driven my father inlaws lexus to my place with my sister to pick up my lexus. After showing my sister a few bits, positioning her seat etc. I got back in the father inlaws car and we drove 60km back to his place. When we arrived my sister was panicing as the entire trip the my car was saying key missing or some similar error on the dash.

When she told me I discovered I had both keys in my pocket.

At times on the freeway we lost sight of each other so I don't know if the car has a limit the key needs to be or not - but we got there without any problems.

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I think other luxury brands has this smart key feature also.

yeah...my mercedes also has it, but it was an option close to $2000.

My friends audi rs4 has a start button, but still needs to insert the key into the dash...kinda defeats the purpose of keyless go.

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I've driven my father inlaws lexus to my place with my sister to pick up my lexus. After showing my sister a few bits, positioning her seat etc. I got back in the father inlaws car and we drove 60km back to his place. When we arrived my sister was panicing as the entire trip the my car was saying key missing or some similar error on the dash.

When she told me I discovered I had both keys in my pocket.

At times on the freeway we lost sight of each other so I don't know if the car has a limit the key needs to be or not - but we got there without any problems.

Nope, no limit to distance. If the car is running it will keep running, but as Peter said, if you stop the cars engine you'll need the key to start it again.

The key is a proximity device when it comes to starting. Seems to me sitting in the drivers seat or key next to the wiper they are both close to the dash (assuming thats where the sensor is) so car may start.

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  • 1 month later...

At first I thought that it will serve as an anti carjack device, that if the car drives away from the key for some distance it will automatically shut off. Nope. It will run as usual. Reason for that is so that if your battery runs flat in the fob, you can still drive the car.

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In addition to your comments DANSLEX (welcome); another positive factor is that if the car is stolen, it can still be driven but cannot be restarted if the car is turned off. Therefore they can’t get too far. A great idea I think.

It would be frustrating if the car would shut down without the key in range as I often walk away from the car in the morning to let it run for a bit.

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Cheers! :)

I think it would be better if they gave it a time limit perhaps until it shuts down, with a timer shown on the dash. But then it woudl cause a problem if your battery is flat. Since to start the car you need to place the keyfob on the button, but when you drive, you wouldn't be able to hold it there. Not that we need it here in Aus anyway, but could be a cool safety feature to have...

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