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I would be interested in member comments and experiences with the Lexus BlueTooth facility.

I sold my BMW320i for the IS250. The BMW was always rock solid with the BT pairing with the phone as fast as the Lexus does. Once paired, the comparison stops. The BT in the BMW was ALWAYS rock solid never missing a beat! The Lexus drops the connection regularly for seemingly no reason.

I leave the phone sitting next to the ashtray and have recently taken to keeping the phone charged with a lead from the cigarette lighter socket. Oh, yes, I reboot the phone regularly just in case that's a solution.

I'd make a call, finish normally, look down and see the BT has dropped out after the call has finished. A few minutes later, again for no reason, it's paired up again.

Some days. the system seems stable for hours on end while on some days dropped pairing is the order of the day!

Another example. I do a Speed dial call after particularly noting that the BT is connected and get greeted with a screen warning that the phone connection is not there! A minute or so later without any reason, the BT is UP again!

I generally have the Lexus screen sitting on the Speed Dial window so I can see the BT status. Somtimes I'm driving and see the BT connection stop then spontaneously reconnect a short distance down the road. Other times, I get an incoming call that fails to get answered because the BT is not connected. Usually I manually answer the phone and tell the caller I can't hear them because of the BT. I ask them to wait a few minutes and call me back. Then I stop the car, attempt to manually restart the BT and wait for the caller to call back (or return his call if I have a record of his number in the phone)! Restarting the BT is an exercise in frustration with the restart sometimes being easy and sometimes impossible! Restarting often involves rebooting the phone, autoconnecting the Lexus BT, changing the security code, stopping and starting the BT on the phone, etc! I've tried all combinations.

I've tried to be analytical and to determine if there's a pattern but as yet can't find a sequence of events that triggers the drop out.

I phoned Lexus in Melbourne last week and was told to speak with the dealer service manager about a firmware upgrade. The dealer told me there was no such thing as a firmware upgrade and suggested that the issue is with the phone. Fair comment, but the same phone was always rock solid in the BMW (and in my wife's VW Golf). The Lexus dealer said he would check and call back but that hasn't happened yet (no problems with that being as it was that I spoke with him only last Friday).

I'm in the car for long periods and a reliable in-car phone system is important for my job (and safety). I'd be happy to change the phone (or car) to have this important function working correctly.

The phone is an HTC Cruise with Windows 6.

Anyhow, I sure would appreciate knowing the experiences and suggestions of others.

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Is there a firmware update available for the HTC?

I use a Nokia N95 and the Bluetooth is rock solid for me. Has never dropped out on me once connected. I used to have issues with Bluetooth about 2 years ago with an older vehicle, but a firmware update from Nokia fixed it right up.

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I personally have had no issues with the bluetooth, it holds connection very well. I use a Nokia 6121. I don't know much about that smartphone, but my first thoughts is that your phone may need a firmware upgrade.

The BT systems may vary between the IS250 & BMW and this could be causing the issue.

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I have had two HTC phones paired up to my car, tytn II (windows 6) and now the new Touch Pro 2 (windows 6.1) and have had absolutely no problems with the IS250's bluetooth system whatsoever. Always connects straight away, and never drops out. I usually keep it in the middle storage section with the door slid shut, and connection is nice and clear. It's really hard to diagnose it like that, probably best if you try to eliminate one factor. Have you tried another phone?? Probably be the first step you'd need to do to determine what the problem is. If the car ends up being the problem, then there's something wrong with it because it shouldn't happen, I guess would have to be a warranty job. What year is your car?

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Thanks all for the responses. The car is an April 2008 GSE20R build that I have owned since early July this year.

I'll try another phone. My son is a phone junkie and has an assortment of iPhones, Blackberrys, etc. So I'll borrow one of his and respond back here in due course.

Thanks again...

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Further update: The Lexus dealer service manager called back to say there was no firmware upgrade and said that 90% of BT issues were with the phone and not the car.

So, I'm going to experiment with some other phones.

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I think you will find it is the phone. I had issues similar issues to yours with an iPhone whilst my Blackberry has always worked flawlessly.


I've used 4 phones with my IS250 and they have all worked. I have to say I'm joining the bandwagon and saying it might be compatibility with your specific phone or even a fault with your phone.

Good luck.

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I have had a Nokia N85, HTC Cruze and now iPhone and all have been good. Even get connected when the phone is left upstairs and car in garage downstairs.

When I was using the HTC (on both Windows 6.0 and 6.1) I did find occassional it wouldn't connect when I went into the car, but never had it drop out during any calls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh... Success!

I changed my phone to another HTC Cruise fitted with a beta version of Microsoft Mobile 6.5 and problem resolved. The Blue Tooth in the IS250 is now reliable and (by my definition) useful.

I'll run the current setup for a few months before changing the phone to a RTM version of Windows Mobile 6.5 OR more likely, hold out for a phone with Windows Mobile 7.

Thanks to all the contributors to this thread and who helped restore my faith in the Lexus system.

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LOL! Ye shall never lose faith in any Lexus system, something else is always to blame! :)

Good stuff, as expected.

On a side note, does anyone have this minor software glitch, where every once in a while your phone screen freezes? On a very odd occasion, perhpas once or twice a week, when I press the phone button to enter the phone screen (whether car moving or not), instread of the keypad or speed dial screen, I get the 'ringing' screen, even though the phone isn't engaged? It remains like that even when I cancel the screen and go back into it. The only way to fix it for me is to restart the car or dial (and hang up) someone off my phone direct. Has anyone else encoutenred that? Not a big isue as it doesn;t happen all too often, but might as well ask...

EDIT: The phone screen on the EMV, not the phone itself.

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On a Windows Mobile system, you need to bear in mind that it IS Microsoft! So, like all Microsoft issues - re-boot!

I usually re-boot my phone at least each 2 weeks!

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