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all night i have been hearing what i thought was a wierd frog noise or a very constant dog bark off in the distant. for about an hour or two. I went and lay in my bed and i thought that sounds wierd and close. i went outside and the lexus is siting there with the parkers and tail lights pulsing every second with a weak weak horn noise.

i had no control over the car. . . after getting into it manually wit the key inside the fob still nothin.

measured the battery and it had 11.8v . . . still plenty to start the car even though its low but it sat in this retarded state and couldnt do anything even disconecting the battery didnt clear the fault. i got my dads car and put the jumper leads on it and the alarm BLASTED in the middle of the quite night. it wasnt until then i could get into car and push start button would the alarm stop and the car started. . .

My baterry went flat for no reason (probably old) and sent my car spastic. i disconnected the battery for the night and hopefully i can organise a battery tomorow and be sure that thats all it is. . .

with all the technology in the lexus a warning that the battery is low would not be that hard. and would save an expedition in the middle of the night running around in my pjs trying to shut my car up. . .

Any one else had this and can confirm its just a flat battery pleeeeease. im not going to be able to sleep tonight thinking my car is majorly broken electronically or somethiing lol.


hm..how old is your car mate??

mines a 06 model and still no battery issues..

maybe you have been watching too many dvd's parked? lol


There is a low battery warning, it supposed to come up on the centre blue screen in text with the red exclamation mark.

That is weird! Go ask the dealer if they know anything about this.


I've heard that the Lexus batteries that come out of the factory with the vehicle can last up to 7 years (subject to a whole heap of ifs and buts) so its a little surprising that's it gone dead. Modern car batteries rarely give you any sign that they're about to go. One day they're fine, the next they're dead.

The warning message on the das that Danslex talks about, I thought was only related to the battery in the key fob.

Definitely worth a call to your dealership however.


Very weird man, have had no issues like that at all. Have you done any mods to the car that may be draining the battery?

The story started out all spooky and sh1t, but a car alarm going off full blast in the middle of the night is enough to scare & wake the neighbourhood.

Let us know what you work out, it could obviously happen to any one of us.



Im almost embarrased to comment on what i found when i went to change my battery this afternoon when i got home.

yesterday i was looking in my lexus log book servicing guide from the passangers seat.

i leaned over and turned the ignition on to see how many kms the odometer had. and then put my books away turned the ignition off and got out of car locked and walked away.

NOTE. Headlights and fog lights do not turn off until you open the DRIVERS DOOR . . . . . NOT the passengers door.

i usually run around with my lights on and they always turn off when you get out of car so i didnt even think that i was in a diff seat got out and walked away.



Well, won't comment too much then, but yea.. massive fail :)

Got me thinking though, I keep my lights on Auto, but in the garage the fogs come on and I wonder if that'll affect it??? Not sure i'm wanting to give it a go though, don't feel like buying a new battery haha

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