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Formula 1 Season 2010


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Alright guys...............for all you Formula 1 fans, here is a place where you can debate, or just leave your thoughts about anything Formula 1.

I hope to give this off-topic subject more of a home in the near future!!

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Well I was thinking that I was the only one for a while until I read your earlier post about being a motor sport fan!! Brilliant!

Come on fellas, I know that we aren't the only F1 fans here!!! Art??

Anyway, Intro in point form,

-Obviously, F1 fanatic.

-Went down to Melbourne last year

-Will more then likely do the same this year

-Singapore on my calendar later this year

-And Monaco a must, when............, soon!

-Re-fueling ban needs to go!

-Atleast an extra pit stop for now

-Mclaren rear wing...............genius!

-Hamilton, huge fan

-Return of the silver arrows, exciting!

-Red bull, looking good!

I WILL NOT MISS any of the REMAINING 18 races!


Oh yeh, the new teams need to get their act together!!

Steve, surely with you living in the UK you would follow the Mclaren's!!!!!

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Well after Bahrain McLaren had been instructed by the FIA to change the rear of their car around the difuser.

The hole that the engine starter goes through was made much bigger than neccessary & in turn added another level to the difuser.

One week to Melbourne :D :) :D

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Yeah, I read about that! Four teams in all were asked to change their diffuser design. This included the merc team. I find it funny how these teams exploit the "fuzzy" definitions in the rule book. Imagine changing the starter motor size in-order to increase the hole size on the diffuser......Love it!

Can't wait for Melbourne. I think at this late stage that I will only go down for the race day. Flights coming home to Sydney on the Sunday night are crazy though!!! Oh well!!! Anyone else here going to the GP???

Hey, you didn't mention who you backing this year!!!!!!!

Fella's, who you betting on???

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The season will be a two horse race between Alonso & Vettel. I like them both so am happy to see either win it.

I think there will be several interesting battles further down the field though.

Lewis will beat Jenson in the battle of McLaren. I hope Schumi beats Rosberg in the battle of Benz.

Do you think Michael win a race this year? I do but not til later in the season.

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Yeah, without question, both Alonso and Vettel are pretty quick!! But, the Red Bull cars especially are bloody quick at the moment. Im not sure if they just had the superior setup at Bahrain but it was obvious that they had some decent down force especially through that bumpy mid sect! Things can change. I think Bahrain was a reality check for most of the teams and there were some lessons learnt! I think we will still see some huge improvement from Mclaren and the Merc teams. With Ross Brawn at Merc, and the history with Schumi, I do think if the car is up to it, there is a good chance that we might see a result from Mike! Only thing is, how much control over the teams destiny will Brawn have with only the one pit stop. If you remember last year, Brawn used the stops in several races very well to put both Jenson and Rubens to a massive advantage even though the cars weren't that quick in the later part of the season. Hmmm! I think alot of us do want to see him with a result just to spice things up! Rosberg so far does have the edge but I do think that will change! Mate, regardless, lets hope that we see some "Awesome" racing this year!!!!

BTW, thanks for the off topic chat!!!!

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Interesting bit of info loosely related to topic:

Last night I was watching the NRL Rugby league game between the Brisbane Broncos & Canberra Raiders and who was in the Canberra coaches box???

Mark Webber thats who!

At half time he was down on the sideline cheering the players as thay came off and then in the coaches box again at fulltime high fiving everyone when Canberra won their first game of the year.

Why was he there? Mark Webber was a ball boy for the team when he was a youngster.

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Well, they are all in town quite early this year!! I had the opportunity to be present at a LH appearance but of course I had to have a work meeting on at the same time!!! Not happy!

Not long to go now!!! Anyone got a grandstand ticket for race day that they want to sell????? Just not the Schumi stand!!

Anyone got a prediction for Sunday??

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Would've been awesome to meet LH in person to see what he's really like.

My prediction for Sunday is an odd one but one I am fairly certain of.

After Bahrain I think there is more pressure than ever to get a good start. With most of the top teams one stopping and over taking seemly so difficult in the current cars, I think a first corner crash involving some of the front runners the best prediction I can make. It is so important to pass and also not to be passed that the first corner will be wild.

Therefore I predict 2 or 3 of the top 5 will be out on the first lap.

Winner: Fairytale, Mark Webber.

Pity no one else on here is an F1 fan....but great thread for us anyway.

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Yeah, I reckon you could be right!! The carnage come the first corner has become almost expected!

I do hope Webber has a good year this year! There is alot of pressure on him to perform. I hope he out performs Vettel!

1HD rocks! 7hrs worth of Friday action televised today! How good is that!

There are other fans here but I don't think they have seen the thread yet!! Im sure we aren't the only one here that love the sport!

Im looking forward to Qualifying. I can't wait to see how the front runners go!! Albert park being a track that hasn't changed unlike Bahrain, I really do think the the results here will be an awesome indicator for the remainder of the year!

One last note, what about the Virgin team.....................designing a car with a fuel cell that is too small to finish the Aus GP!! Crack up!!! biggrin.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK any predictions for the Chinese round on this weekend?

I predict Hamilton to win this weekend. Shanghai has the longest back straight which suits McLaren. Just watch and see how they can just overtake every car on the straight (as how they did it in Malaysia).


F1 Fanatic.

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Hey Lexo,

As Dis-lex-sic mentioned, welcome to "our" F1 thread!

Yes, Friday practice is upon us for another meet. Can't wait to check out the times. Hamilton has driven well here in the past. 2007 sliding off and 2008 coming back for the win! As mentioned, the straight is long and plenty of opportunity at the end to bring it up under brakes for the overtake. With Lewis's agressive style, and the Mclarens speed down the straight, with no mistakes, Im putting my money on Lewis. As for Jenson, I am Mclaren through and through so I do hope he does well. A podium would be brilliant. I know that after Malasia he did fly back to Woking to spend time in the simulator. With his own admission he has suggested that he hasn't been feeling the car so well! Lets see.

Redbull, Sebastion is quick, lets just say Im curious to see how the other teams go in qualie.... I have a feeling that Redbulls dominance is slowly deminishing. Whitmarsh has done well to really make the active ride height issue a "real issue" so to speak. All eyes on the teams that are suspected of taking advantage of the prior wording in the rule book!

Who you backing dis.............?

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Jenson ButtonMcLaren-Mercedes1:36.677Nico RosbergMercedes GP1:36.7480Lewis HamiltonMcLaren-Mercedes1:36.7750Michael SchumacherMercedes GP1:37.5090Sebastian VettelRBR-Renault1:37.6010Robert KubicaRenault1:37.7161Vitaly PetrovRenault1:37.7451Mark WebberRBR-Renault1:37.9801Adrian SutilForce India-Mercedes1:38.0081Felipe MassaFerrari1:38.0981Jaime AlguersuariSTR-Ferrari1:38.1611Kamui KobayashiBMW Sauber-Ferrari1:38.3751Pedro de la RosaBMW Sauber-Ferrari1:38.4211Nico HulkenbergWilliams-Cosworth1:38.5691Paul di RestaForce India-Mercedes1:38.6181Rubens BarrichelloWilliams-Cosworth1:38.6782Sebastien BuemiSTR-Ferrari1:39.9393Jarno TrulliLotus-Cosworth1:41.5314Heikki KovalainenLotus-Cosworth1:41.7795Timo GlockVirgin-Cosworth1:41.8305Lucas di GrassiVirgin-Cosworth1:42.1815Bruno SennaHRT-Cosworth1:43.8757Karun ChandhokHRT-Cosworth1:43.9497Fernando AlonsoFerrariNo time6

Ok guys, here is Fridays 1st practice results. (Sorry about the formatting)!! Looking good for Mclaren!!!!

The Alonso's Ferrari had engine failure and Buemi had complete suspension failure leaving him with no front wheels and in the wall!

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Interesting!!!! Sutil is ya roughy hey!!! what is he paying, I might have to put some cash down!

Im not sure how Seb is going to go. That back straight is bloody long.................! Practice 1 and 2 went to the Mclarens. Interesting enough, the Mercs were up there as well.

I was suprised to see that Ferrari fitted their version of the F-duct to Alonso's car. I don't think any of these other teams will get it working as well as the Mclarens f-duct for quite some time! My roughy will be Nico for a podium finish. I reckon he is just as quick as Vettel!

Lets see how Qualie goes tomorrow fella's!!

On another note, what about Buemi's car.............lucky boy that it wasn't worse!

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Take it easy now!!! I wouldn't rate Jenson ahead of Hamilton just like I wouldn't rate Schumie ahead of Nico. (Just yet in the Schumi stakes))(I think)!!

Jenson can drive, but look at Q1 and Q2.................Lewis clearly couldn't get it together in that 3rd sector on his hot lap. the first and second sectors were in the purple and for what ever reason, where the Mclaren should of dominated, the 3rd sector fell. (error???) Don't know. Race will be awesome never the less!! 4hrs to go!!!biggrin.gif

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What a crazy race.....both Alonso & Lewis should have been given penalties for the way they came into the pits.

Nico did well in a car that is not up to par.

Crazy and exciting at the same time! Who would of thought after Bahrain that we would have races that would have ample stops, carnage, OVERTAKING, and all the things that make F1 bloody brilliant!

How well did Nico answer the questions at the post race interviews. Did well not to overshadow Schumie!

Im not going to bag Lewis out because strongly believe the sport needs more drivers like him!! Sure he doesn't always say the right thing off the track, but damn he can drive...........................sure he rips into his rubber, but how exciting is he to watch when he overtakes where others wouldn't dare.........(calculated mind you)! I must admit though, I was concerned near the end that he was going to make a move on Jenson and they were both going to wipe out in the wet and on failing rubber!! I bet Whitmarsh was freaking too!

Whats up with Alonso taking Massa coming in though.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Vettel pushing LH into the painted area.............................(had to do it mate, hope you understand)!!!

The RedBulls might get it right one day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!

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