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Formula 1 Season 2010


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Great photos!.

Really happy to see Webber won the race so convincingly. This is going to be so exciting as I look forward to the next race.

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Well fellas, not long to go now!!!!

Can't wait!wink.gif

Will RedBull do it again? Will Mclaren have something? Ferrari?????Hmmm.

Turkey....................Fast sweeping corners, decent straight.....................Mclaren will be back..............Hamilton will get his first win here!!!

It was interesting reading an article that spoke of who RedBull considered as their greatest threat this year...............anyone guess?? Two drivers..........

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It was interesting reading an article that spoke of who RedBull considered as their greatest threat this year...............anyone guess?? Two drivers..........

After Monaco Damon Hill has to be the driver everyone fears the most....look what he did to Schuey :D :D

Can Webber make it 3 in a row????

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What a crack! I was wondering where you were going with that one!!

I like how Merc have stepped down from the appeal! Bloody politics, you can't escape it!! Bloody rough hey! For the FIA to come out now and say "yes, it was open to interpretation" , pretty sad!!

Yeah, back on track, Alonso and Lewis. Regardless, curious to see what updates come this weekend!!

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Alonso is making too many mistakes of late!!! Thats why I don't like the new points system..

Anything can happen in the race...................I just hope Vettel doesn't take Lewis out in the first corner!!! If he doesn't, it will be an awesome race between Webber and Lewis as I believe that Mclarens race pace will be just as quick as the RB's!!!!! 4hrs to go................Can't wait!!!biggrin.gif

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Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mclaren 1 & 2!!!!!!!

What a race .........................egde of my seat stuff!!! Vettel, what can i say................"BLEEP"................Atleast Webber salvaged 3rd!!! Again, the ultimate race for Mclaren fans!!!! (Jom, how good was that!!!)

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Vettel just lost a lot of respect from F1 fans.

He gifted Lewis a win and cost Mark his third. Hasn't even got the class to appologise to Mark.

Good attack by Jenson & great reaction by Lewis....until the no more overtaking call of "conserve fuel" came over the radio.

I like the fact that Lewis didn't carry on fist pumping and hollering when he won. He knew that Seb was the reason he won and he was mature(for a change) about it.

Best part of the race was the early laps of Lewis chasing Mark. Great composure from Mark under pressure & a new level of self control from Lewis...is was a real duel between two drivers at their best in two cars with different strengths.

Great race.

Seb Vettel you suck.

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Yeah I don't think it was Mark's fault - He had the race line and Vettel was pressuring Mark to let him take it. He should've pulled back.

The press conference afterwards when Button was talking while Webber was giving hand gestures to Hamilton on what happenned - Hmmmm I wonder what they were talking about?? :)

No class Vettel...

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Well, its no secret that I dis-like Vettel, but check out the footage especially from Sebastians cam. Hmmmm. What do you think about the space on the right and lack of wheel movement on Sebastians car.....

I don't remember it looking this way last night!

Regardless, constuctors points come first...................................shouldn't of happened!

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Red Bull has some upgrades for the next race that are going on Vettels car but not Webber's car.

Lane change warning system is one of them.

What about flashing indicators? :P


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Mclaren 1 & 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody awesome!!!!! & what an awesome race!!!!! biggrin.gif

I just loved it when Button put the pressure, LH just lit up the purples!!!!

And all poor Vettel wanted in the end was the fastest lap and he was even denied that........boohoo!!! Ha!

And Schumie............What tha???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha!! Thanks mate!! No, look, P3 is pretty good considering the way that the practice sessions were looking!! Bloody Vettel! Its all good, his gear box will fall out before lap 10!!!Ha! Wishfull thinking! I hope Webber has a good race..........!

Concerns, apparently even the super softs aren't graining up here. I would dearly love a repeat of Canada where the Pits come into play!!

I know that this isn't really an overtaking track, but I still reckon LH will get up!!! And trust me, I will be doing my usual midnight posts when he does!!! Then again if Vettel gets up, rest assured I won't be silent!!!

Wheres your money???

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Hmmm, deductions from Valencia.................

Webber just still unfortunately makes the worst race starts

Vettel is a loser

Webber is lucky to walk away unhurt

Vettel is a loser

Alonso needs to stop complaining

Vettel is a loser

If Lewis didn't get the drive through penalty, Vettel wouldn't of won and yes, Vettel is still a loser

Webber wants to sign up for the Redbull air race! (Sorry, poor humour guys)!! HAhA!

Great F1 season this year....................absolutely loving it!!!

Oh yeah, great drive by Kobayashi!!! Especially when he gave it to Alonso and Buemi!!

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Red Bull Air race......very funny.

Kobayashi awesome...what could he do in a Mclaren or Red Bull?

Button a let down.

Webber sooooooo chilled after such a life threatening accident.

A bit of dirty driving by Lewis getting Alonso stuck behind the safety car...deliberately.

A good race on an ordinary track.

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Hmmm............. Alonso needs to stop with his dummy spits and remember that he's driving an F1 car, not a pram!!!! That was his down fall. He was stewing as soon as he found out that LH didn't lose position after the drive through! Lewis didn't hold him up.................he just hesitated when he come to the line. If the pace car was a fraction later, FA would of been through too! Yeah, he could of slowed down behind the pace car, but do you honestly think Alonso would of.... Please!! The cry baby needs to drop this superiority complex!!!! He is good............but there are drivers that are just as good!! (Obviously not in his mind though)!!!!wink.gif

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