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Posts posted by ldc

  1. Saving the new thread for pics :)

    Just like to say.....you beauty!

    Got the DF210 installed by the surgical hands of Danny (ilv1004s) and his assistant Chris (LEX5IS). Very professionaly done guys. Words can't express my appreciation...(i hope a beer/coffee at the next meet will lol).

    The drop was what i wanted, has the non-nose diver that you see in BMWs and Mers. Still has to setting but yeh Tanabe DF210 rides perfectively and prettily :D .

    Everything they say about lower centre of gravity is true so i won't go into it.

    The other thing was the JDM visors which i also love, and will not be tinting my windows (stands out more lol).

    Thanks again to Danny and Chris. You guys rock!!!

  2. I'm used to seeing one person dominating and others catching up. Sort of gives it the extra excitement if you know what i mean. After Schuey it

    was Hamilton, then Alonso (or was it the other way around), now it's Webber. but none matches Schuey not even close :ph34r: .

  3. It's all in the design of the wheel. I think it looks 19s cos of perimeter is well defined and you don't see the inside bank of the wheel if there's any.

    If you gonna drop, consider a set with a little more drop on the rear. As you can tell, the rear is abit higher in the Prestige (??). Also, if you drop too much on the front, going over humps the weight of the engine will no doubt bottom-out your fronts. The sound won't be good.

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